~David Is Evil.~

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Kailynn's POV.

I walked down stairs and into the dining room taking my seat next to David. It was awkwardly silent.

"Mommy, What happemed to Davey's face?" Chase asked pointing his little finger in the direction of David's battered face. Danielle looked to me then back to David and said, "He ran into a pole." Was that really the best she could think of?

After minutes passed of total awkwardness, Dad brought in dinner. Chicken nuggets and Fries. After i was done eating i asked to be dismissed and ran up to my room to text Sam.


"Hey love.(:"

"Did i tell you what i did to David? :I"

"What'd you do?"

"Punched him so hard he got a bloody nose and two black eyes! And his mom told the rest of the family that he ran into a pole. xD"

"Bahahah. Thats Hilarious."

"Yeah well imma go to sleep now, BYE! I love youu!(:"

"Love you too.(:"

After I was done texting him i layed down and turned out the light. This day really hadn't been that bad after all. Seconds after closing my eyes i heard my door burst open i
quickly. propped myself up to find David standing inches away from me, His eyes were red with anger along with his face. He looked excatly like my dad before he would beat me. I quickly 
shriveled up into a ball before all the hits came. I tried to scream but he had his hand over  my mouth. He kept punching and kicking and i didn't even try to get away, Because i knew it wouldn't work. 

"How you like your payback now fat bitch!" Tears flowed out of my eyes when he said those words. It was just like living with my dad all over again.

After he was done with me he marched out of the room and back into his. I quickly got up  and shut the door so noone else would see my bloody self, after shutting it i sat on the floor of my bedroom and cried for hours. I had no idea a 15 yr old could be so violent. I grabbed my phone be careful to not get any blood on it and attempted to text Sam

"David heee hurttt mee" After sending it i layed on the ground shaking. My phone vibrated in my hand and i quickly looked at.

"What the fuck did he do?"

"Heee hurtt meee" Those were the only words i dared myself to type, Considering i could  barely type with my bloody and battered fingers.


Sam's POV.

I'll never forget that last text she sent me.

"Hee hurrttt mee." After i had recieved it i quickly ran downstairs.

"I need a plane ticket back to Florida....NOW!" I screamed down the stairs and hallways 

trying to wake the whole family up. Everyone came out of there rooms and Mike and Cindy  rushed to me.

"Whats happening? Why do you need a plane ticket?!" They asked fear intertwined with fear.

"Kailynn, Her brother. He h-hurt her." I barely managed to mutter. They quickly pulled me into a hug, tears trickled down my cheeks. Soon after we had all the kids in the car heading  to the airport so i could fly back to Florida and see what had happened to Kailynn.

****Two Hours Later On The Plane****

I'm sweating and shaking. We only had 20 minutes left before we landed in Florida and i could finally see what had happened to Kailynn. How was I supposed to know if she was  okay or not? That text was sent last night......What if, he had killed her? I pushed that thought out of my head immediatly; Calm down. I kept telling myself. She was going to be  fine. His parents had to find out sooner or later about what he was doing to her. Right?

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