Chapter 29

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~ Miss Porter ~

Eight in the morning and I was going through some fan mail in my office before heading out on the set. There is a scene that needs remaking so I have to do the makeup, the costumes, the line learning... all over again. As I was reading something and signing so Georgia can return it, someone knocked on my door. Nicole peeped through the door.

"Excuse me, could I get an autograph?" She asked with a smile. She was wearing a tight black button up that made her even more slim with tight black pants that had a white strap on both sides. The shirt was tucked in.

"Depends on where you want me to sign." She came closer to the table, leaning with her hands against it.

"We could make an arrangement." The younger brunette winked at me while saying this in her sexy accent.

"You did not just do that in front of me. Yuck. I'll be in my office, call me when you need me." Shit. I totally forgot Georgia was in the room. Oh well.

Both Nicole and I cringed while she got out, feeling embarassed but also finding it very funny.

"So, you ready for your first day, soldier?"

"Sir, yes, sir!" She saluted and came around the table in front of me, leaning against it again. Standing in her full glory in front of me, her breasts just looking at me.

"The things you do to me... I'm gonna make you suffer." I said through my teeth, adoring her every asset. She then made it worse by starting to roll her sleeves and revealing the muscular hands of hers. Turning around and bending over to grab I don't know what, Nicole teased me again. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I got up and put both my hands on her sids, smelling her hair. I moved the hair out of the way and kissed the back of her neck. She moaned immediately, grabbing harder on the table.

"Miss Porter, we can't get too carried away." She commented before turning around, standing inches from my lips. Her minty breath filled my nose and I couldn't stand not to kiss her.

"I know. First we get the job done. And then you'll pay your does."

"Oh I will." She kneeled before me, just to kiss my intimate zone over the skirt I was wearing.

"You devil..."

"We should go." She pointed towards the door with one hand, while holding her pistol in the gun holder with the other. I found it so sexy that she was carrying it like that.

"Yes, we should." I pecked her lips. "Please stay safe." I kissed them once more.

"Hey now, my job is to keep YOU safe." She grinned and put her hand on my lower back, both heading out the door. God help nothing bad happens.

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