Chapter 30

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~ Nicole ~

After my first day with Diane again, I came to the hospital to get my stiches removed. The nurse started taking them out, there were seven of them. The first three were horrible, but I got through them. The whole time I was thinking about Diane and how she would find my strength very sexy.

"All done." The nurse said while taking her gloves off.

"Thank you." I winced from pain a little while taking my shirt back on and buttoning it.

"May I say, you are very well built." The nurse said while looking at my abs, eyes full of admiration.

"Um, thanks..." Girl, I'm taken.

"Yeah... So, you are done with the check- ups, but if you need anything or if it starts bleeding, make sure to come as soon as possible."



I got into the house, searching for her. I saw Jacob standing in front of her office, so I just assumed she was there.

"Hey, Jacob. Thank you for switching shifts for me."

"No problem, ma'am. You're the boss anyway." The tall black- haired man winked at me and walked away.

I openned the door and saw a confusing scene. Diane was pacing through the room with Georgia standing in the corner, looking worried as hell.

"I can't believe this." Diane said, not even noticing I walked in.

"Can't believe what?"

She stopped and looked at me like I wasn't supposed to hear this.

"Hey sweetheart, how's the wound?"

"It's fine. Believe what? What's going on?"

They looked at each other and then back at me.

"It's best if you sit down." Georgia motioned to the chair.

A worried Diane kneeled in front of me, putting her hand on top of mine. "Sweetheart, I need you to be very calm right now when I tell you this. You remember Madeline Kane?"

"The girl who stabbed me? Why would I remember her? It's not like I almost died because of her." I answered angrily.

"No need for sarcasm." Diane looked at me sternly. "Well, she... got out on bail."

"What?! They gave her bail after what she has done?!" I got up quickly and started pacing through the room.

"Nicole. Please." Diane whispered calmly. How can she be so calm. The girl who stabbed me just got out of prison.

"How could this happen?" I yelled at her. I could see Georgia looking at the floor, probably because she's uncomfortable and couldn't comprehend what was happening. Diane just winced at my yelling and I could see the tears form in her eyes. It's not her fault. I shouldn't have raised my voice at her. Even though I did that, she came closer and wrapped me in her arms, the tears just streamed down my cheeks. This is the first time she's seen me cry. I think. "I mean... I just got my stitches out today. I haven't even healed. And they let her go..."

"I know, sweetie." She stroked my hair to calm me down and it was working.

"This is so fucked up." I whispered in her ear.

Then Georgia broke the silence after a while. "The good thing is, even though she's out on bail, it's still probation. So even a single parking ticket will get her back in prison."

Diane and I just looked at her and then at each other.

"Are you suggesting something?"

"If she gets near you, it breaks the rules. And she wouldn't ressist the opportunity to do the thing she did again. She is a stalking psycho after all. So I'm saying..."

"We get her to come to me." I concluded.

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