Chapter 31

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~ Miss Porter ~

"Are you out of your freaking mind?!" I yelled as the two stupid- heads standing before me suggested to use my girlfriend as some sort of a bait. "There's no way in hell you are doing that."

"Diane..." Nicole stood up to comfort me by rubbing my back. As soon as she reached me, I smacked her hand away and spoke while turning my head between Georgia and her.

"Madeline Kane is a very dangerous person, I know that. That's why I have more security for. And hell, you were in the army, she can't get you."

"She stabbed me once before." Nicole said, looking sad and embarrassed.

"Yes, but she had the element of surprise, and now we know it won't happen again. Even if she does try anything, the two gorillas, how you like to call them, will be guarding both of us."

"So your security has security?" Georgia intertwined.

"No. Nicole is the strongest woman I know. This is just being extra careful." I turned to see Nicole finally agreeing with my idea.

I turned to her for a comforting hug and then rubbed her arms. "It will be okay. We don't need to put you at risk to get her."

"I guess so..."


After a while we spent in the house, with Nicole sitting downstairs in the office and me reading a book, I heard the front door open. Someone was obviously walking through the halls of the house and I stood from my bed, wondering who it is.

"Nicole? Sweetheart?" I called, but no answer. I peeped through the door and someone pushed me inside with a strong impact, covering my mouth. I screamed and screamed, but no one could hear me. I kicked and turned to see who it is, but then a not so unfamiliar voice spoke.

"Hello Miss Porter. You remember me?" That bitch who kissed Nicole and tried to use her while she was drunk. She even flirted with her in front of my eyes.

"Yes, it's me. Monica. You're probably wandering what am I doing here." Please do tell, I'm in a mood for listening with you covering my mouth and choking me. "Well since you never bothered to find out what my last name was, I will tell you now. Monica Kane. Yes." Kane?! That fucking bitch. They are sisters. They must have some kind of a sick agreement to split us and each take one. As I begged and begged for someone to come as soon as possible, because this bitch was really going to kill me. But not until she finishes her psycho monologue.

"You see, my sister is in love with you. But since you hurt her feelings by beeing with Nicole, I have to do something about it. Plus, that leaves Nicole alone and I get to be with her." This sick bitch, she really thinks Nicole will be with her. I was struggling to get out of her grip when she interrupted again. "So... goodbye."

A loud bang knocked the door open and an angry looking Nicole barged in with Jacob behind her. She jumped right on Monica and threw punches at her.

"Nicole! Stop!" I tried to keep her from killing Monica, but she straddled her like a maniac and just kept throwing the punches. Then Jacob jumped in and separated them. He took Monica's limp body in his arms and nodded at Nicole.

"I will take care of her."

Nicole turned to me. "Baby, are you okay? I'm so sorry." She stroked my hair gently and looked me in the eyes full of worry.

"I'm fine, but what does he mean by taking care of her?" I really hope I won't be involved in some kind of mafia- like situation.

"Don't worry, he's just going to call the police. We'll probably have to make statements later." Nicole chuckled and I was relieved. I must be crazy but all this adrenaline got my hormones in a mess and I jumped Nicole, connecting our lips.

"Wait. I'm not in the mood." She pushed me away and walked out of the room.

Well what the actual fuck? Did she just turn down sex?

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