Chapter Two

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Want a song to listen to? Hurts Like Hell by Fleurie fits this book perfectly.


It was the start of 7th year and the students were rushing to the Great Hall for breakfast, excited to begin a new year now that things had seemed to die down between the wizarding world and Voldemort. Students spoke loudly in the hall as they ate, laughing and gossiping about fellow students and professors. One of those fellow students was Harry.

When he walked through the Great Hall with Ron and Hermione, almost every turned their heads to stare at him. All except for Blaise Zabini. He blamed Harry for Draco's death and hadn't spoken a word to him. Harry felt guilty, no doubt. He had since it happened and believed he never wouldn't feel guilt for what happened to Draco.

"Everyone's staring at me." He pointed out.

Ron frowned at his friend. "Just ignore them." He said, grabbing his friend's arm and pulling him towards the Gryffindor house table. They sat down; Ginny and Harry on one side, Ron and Hermione on the other.

"Good morning." Voiced Seamus who was seated beside Neville. "How are you, Harry?"

"I'm fine." He mumbled.

Seamus sighed to himself, but smiled at Harry. "Good."

Harry looked up at him, shocked he hadn't asked if he was sure he was fine. Seamus nodded at Harry before bringing his attention to the food on the large table. Harry didn't eat. He couldn't. Looking at food, eating it, made him remember that he was alive and Draco wasn't. It made him feel more guilty.

"Harry," Ginny frowned. "Eat."

"I'm not hungry." Lie.

"Harry," She spoke more sternly. "You can't do this."

"I said I'm not hungry."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Fine. Be that way."

Harry ignored the stares from the rest of the group along with the school but he couldn't ignore the whispers.

"Apparently him and Malfoy were a thing."

"He killed Draco."

"Do you think he loved him?"

"According to Blaise, Harry was using Malfoy."

The assumptions hurt. Yes, him and Draco were 'a thing' and yes, Harry loved him. But what hurt was how people thought he killed Draco and how he was the reason Draco died. It only brought on more guilt and bad thoughts.

Harry turned to look over his shoulder at the Slytherin table, noticing that Pansy was looking at him. She gave him a sympathetic smile before turning back to her food. Blaise glared at him, sneering in his direction. He quickly turned back and rose from his seat, leaving the table with not as much as a whisper.

Ron and Hermione watched as Harry walked away.

"I'm worried about him, 'Mione." Ron frowned. "Why can't we tell him?" He whispered.

Hermione huffed, whispering back. "If he knows, then they both aren't safe. I've told you that."

"But he's.. he's empty. It's like he's here but.. not actually here."

"And seeing Malfoy would not make him any better."

"What makes you say that?"

"He thinks he's dead still therefore if we just told him Lupin and I revived him two months after his death and he's been living in the castle, we'd be lucky if he didn't lose it."

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