Chapter Seven

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"You're cutting me out, baby, who are you fighting?"

After a long speech from McGonagall about the Death Eaters and the safety of the students and professors, those who had stayed to listen were dismissed from the Great Hall. Harry had practically shot up and off of his seat at the Gryffindor table, exiting the Great Hall with Ginny.

Draco watched as Potter walked out the doors with Weaslette. It bothered him. Oh, how much it bothered him.

"Malfoy!" Blaise yelled. The blond turned to face him, a look of confusion over his features.

"What?" He snapped.

Blaise sneered. "You were staring at Potter again."

Draco rolled his eyes and pushed his plate away, resting his elbows on the table as he looked over at Pansy. The longer he looked at her, the more he thought. The more he thought, the more he decided a way to torture Potter.

"What?" Pansy asked. No reply. "Malfoy?" Draco's lips curled up into a smirk. "Draco!" She huffed.

"I have an idea!" He exclaimed, grabbing her hand and looking at Blaise.

"Oh?" Blaise said.

"I know the perfect way to hurt Potter." Draco smirked, raising up Pansy's hand. She quickly pulled away, staring at Draco with disappointment.

"How dare you, Draco Malfoy!" She exclaimed. "You're not using me in your ploy to hurt Potter."

Blaise and Draco both groaned. "C'mon, Pans. It's a great idea!" The darker skinned boy said.

"Blaise is right. We all get something out of it, too." Draco explained.

"Oh? And what exactly will I be getting out of it?"

Draco shrugged. "Me." Pansy scoffed. "While Blaise and I get the satisfaction of watching Potter and how it'll affect him."

"That's barbaric!" Pansy huffed, smacking Draco's shoulder. "You need to stop, Malfoy! Just because he's with Ginny, just because he moved as you asked him to do, doesn't give you the right-"

"I'm sorry. What was that? I can't hear you." Draco said, standing up from the table and walking away as Pansy clenched her jaw shut. Blaise was laughing at Pansy's expression.

In the halls, he saw Potter with Ginny. That got him. The way Potter smiled at her and took her hand. The way she smiled back and pecked his lips. It bothered him. All he ever did was love Potter, when they were together, and this is how he's repaid. It hurts like hell, Draco thought.

Potter looked at him and his breath caught in his throat, and he ran towards the lavatory. He couldn't have ran quicker than he did, running to the sink. He couldn't breathe. He quickly took his sweater off, leaving only his dress shirt on. He gripped the sides of the sink, desperately trying not to collapse. Just the mere sight of Potter made him hurt, and as much as he wanted to hurt him, torture him, he couldn't. Not in the state he was in.

"Malfoy." He heard. Draco turned around, looking up to see Potter at the doorway. "Are you okay?" He asked, stepping into the lavatory and towards Draco. The blond couldn't take it, he really couldn't. He hated Potter for doing this to him. He couldn't believe that he was standing in the lavatory, eyes watering and heart pounding out of his chest just from looking at Potter with the Weaselette. And he hated him for it.

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