Chapter Nine

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"Retrace my lips, erase your touch - it's all too much for me.."

Harry didn't stop crying for at least another half an hour. Draco didn't care, though. He knew how it felt, to hurt and not have any other way of releasing that pain but in loud sobs and broken stutters.

It wasn't until Harry had fallen asleep that he had stopped crying, his breath becoming steady as a look of sadness never left his face. His eyebrows were furrowed as his eyes were shut tightly, mouth slightly open as he inhaled and exhaled deep breaths. Draco thought it was the most beautiful and heartbreaking sight he'd ever seen.

Draco had stood, collecting Harry into his arms and decided he'd carry Harry back to the Gryffindor common room. When he made his way up on the moving staircase and to the entrance of that common room, the lady in the painting grumbled as she was awoken by the light shining in her eyes.

"Would you put that out?!" She muttered.

"I need in." Draco stated.

"Into the common room? Ha!"

"I have Harry Potter with me." He explained, but she only narrowed her eyes. "Could you at least go get Weasel or Granger for me?" He asked.

With a roll of her eyes and a loud groan, she headed off. Draco stood their patiently for quite some time before the entrance to the Gryffindor common room opened to show Hermione in her almost school-attire-like pajamas and Ron in his own pajamas pants and tank.

"What the bloody hell happened?" Ron had asked as Draco pushed them out of the way.

"Long story. Ask Potter when he wakes." Draco muttered. "Where's the dorms?" He asked, turning to face a confused Ron and Hermione.

"Upstairs, on the right." Ron answered. Draco nodded and turned back around, heading up the right staircase and finding Harry's room. He did his best to quietly sneak past a sleeping Seamus Finnigan and snoring Neville Longbottom. Gently, Draco placed Harry on his bed, placing the blankets on him lightly in his best efforts not to wake him.

He looked down at Harry with a frown, listening as Harry took in a shaky breath. Draco leaned down and pressed a kiss to his head, whispering to him.

"I love you," He said. "Sleep well."

Harry stirred slightly as Draco stood up straight, but he never woke. Draco exited the room quietly and headed back down to the main area of the common room only to be bombarded with questions by Ron and Hermione.

"Tell us what happened!" Demanded Hermione.

"I said to ask Potter in the morning. If he doesn't tell you, then you're shit out of luck." Draco stated before exiting the common room away from a yelling Weasel and aggravated Granger.

Draco couldn't wait to go to sleep. He couldn't wait to get into bed, lay his head on the pillow and just sleep. When he entered his own common room, he heard a loud gasp before his own name was called out.

"Draco!" Someone yelled, tackling him in a hug. It was Pansy. Draco leaned down slightly and wrapped an arm around her. She pulled away only to slap his chest.

"Where the hell have you been?!" She exclaimed.


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