Chapter Eight

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"I hate you, I love you. I hate that I want you.."

The next few days were torture. Harry was happy with Ginny, yes. But seeing Draco with Pansy bothered him. The way they sat close, Pansy smiling up at him as he said something with a smirk on his pale face. His gorgeous pale face. His blond hair wasn't gelled like normal, it hadn't been. It fell perfectly as it complimented his sliver eyes.

Harry couldn't stop staring, watching every move Draco made. The blond noticed this and shot him a glare, sneering at him from the other side of the room.

"Harry!" Hermione groaned, rolling her eyes. Harry turned to face her, eyes wide as stuttered.

"I- I'm- What?" He asked.

"Stop drooling over Malfoy and listen to me." She huffed.

"I-" He started but Hermione raised a hand.

"Look, I know it's hard. But you chose what you were going to do." She sighed.

"I- I'm fine." Harry squeaked.

"I didn't ask you if you were fine, Harry."

"Seriously though, mate, if you hurt Ginny I'll kill you." Ron spoke up. Harry nodded at him, blinking rapidly as he tried to avoid tears that begged to leave his eyes. He didn't know why it should bother him. After all, Draco hurt him. Not the other way around. Harry shouldn't still love Draco and it shouldn't bother him that he was with Pansy now, because he's with Ginny.

Draco was watching Pansy as she read her book for Herbology, doing his best to avoid gazing over at the Gryffindor table. Pansy looked up at him several times, as if to tell Draco with her eyes that she was uncomfortable with all his staring.

"What?" She finally asked. Draco shrugged, smirking at her.

"Nothing." He said.

"It's something." Pansy huffed, closing her book and shifting towards Draco. "You don't normally stare. At least, not at me."

"So? Why can't I now?"

"It's weird!" She exclaimed. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find and talk to Blaise." Pansy stood from her seat, swatting at Draco's hand when he reached up. She walked away from the table, Draco scrambling to get up when he noticed Potter staring again. He quickly caught up to Pansy before she walked out the doors, grabbing her wrist to pull her towards him. He pressed a kiss to her lips. It was quick, and for Draco - different. He didn't like it.

He didn't like it.

Pansy pulled away from him, staring as she walked away. Draco turned around to see Potter staring at him, face as red as the Weasel's hair, his jaw clenched. The blond sneered at him before heading back to his seat, sitting across from Crabbe and Goyle.

"I'm going to go." Harry muttered to his friends, standing up and quickly leaving the Great Hall. Hermione watched with a frown as Harry left before glaring at Draco. He shrugged at her, smirking as he looked down at his plate. But something sat in the pit of his stomach, bothering him throughout the rest of breakfast.


The day went by brutally slow. Since there were no classes, most students were made to stay in their common rooms. The professors were worried something may happen again and while they picked up the pieces of the recent attack, they wanted to make sure the students were as safe as the could be.

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