Chapter Three

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Defense had been an interesting class. Remus was still teaching, much to the students pleasure, but it wasn't that. It was how Harry acted. It was as though he hadn't just had a breakdown, that he hadn't been hurting all this time.

He had gotten up on the small platform and unarmed, done hexes and reversed them and got back down as though he was normal again. Like nothing. ever. happened.

Hermione was, needless to say, confused. She watched as Harry walked out of Defense with Ginny, a smile on his face.

"Harry!" She yelled, pushing past students to catch up with him.

He turned to face her, both him and Ginny stopping. "Yeah?"

Hermione took Harry's hand when she caught up to them, looking him in the eyes as to study the emotions that played out only in his emerald orbs.

"You did good. In defense, I mean."

Harry furrowed his brows. "Oh? Thanks."

Hermione sucked in a deep breath, sighing as she spoke. "You're welcome."

She walked away, clutching her potions book tightly to her chest. Hermione knew Harry was ashamed her and Ron saw his panic attack, but she also knew he had put up a wall. It made her make a B-line to the courtyard to find Pansy.

"Granger!" Yelled Blaise.

Hermione instinctively rolled her eyes. Blaise had been such a jerk to Harry after Malfoy's death that she liked him less than she already did, which wasn't at all.

"Where's Potter?" He spat.

"With Ginny, actually living his life." She retorted. Blaise looked hurt by the comment, but moved past it quickly.

"What are you doing on this side of the courtyard?"

"Looking for Pansy."

Blaise crossed his arms. "She's not available to talk to right now."

"Says who?"


Hermione rolled her eyes, pushing past Blaise to see Pansy was sitting farther away in the courtyard with Crabbe.

"Hey, Pansy." Hermione greeted, sitting down on the bench beside her. Pansy looked at her weirdly before nodding.

"I've got something I want to show you." Hermione said, holding out her hand for Pansy to take.

Pansy looked at her weirdly once more, down at her hand, then met her gaze.

She whispered an 'okay' and took Hermione's hand. Hermione stood up, pulling Pansy up with her. She made sure Blaise didn't follow them as she let Pansy to the hospital ward.

"What are we doing, Granger?" Pansy voiced. It sounded as though she had been crying, again.

"You'll see." Hermione stated. She led Pansy to the very back and around a corner to the bedroom Draco Malfoy was in. "Now you have to promise you won't tell a soul, alright?"

Pansy furrowed her brows at Hermione, but nodded. Hermione unsealed the door and opened it, gesturing for Pansy to walk in.

Pansy did so, seeing a blond with his face in a book. When he peered over it to see who was there, he shot up off the bed.

"Draco?" Pansy breathed.

Draco stood a few feet away from her, shock on his face. "Pansy."

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