Chapter Thirteen

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"How could you die carelessly?"

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort exclaimed as students and professors came rushing out of the school, the Death Eaters laughing proudly. The Dark Lord turned to face them, a smile on his face.

"We won, we won, we won!" Bellatrix laughed as she skipped behind Voldemort.

"Harry Potter is dead." He said again, turning back to face the students. Hermione grabbed onto Ron's arm as she took in a deep breath, Ron taking her hand as he tried to keep it together.

Hagrid carried Harry to the outside of Hogwarts were Voldemort and the Death Eaters were recruiting anyone who now decided they'd rather be on his side.

"Harry." Draco breathed, staring as Hagrid walked towards the crowd with a seemingly dead Harry Potter in his arms. Ginny cried out and Arthur Weasley grabbed a hold of her, pulling her into a hug. Draco clenched his jaw shut, inhaling through his nose as he tried not to become a sobbing mess.

"Come, join us. As now, the savior is gone." Voldemort exclaimed. Draco's heart broke completely and it felt as though a million knifes had been thrown at him at once. It felt like when he was bleeding out on the lavatory floor again after a duel with Harry. Even that thought, that single - once bad - thought, was a good memory now, because Harry was breathing. He wasn't lying dead in Hagrid's arms. He was alive, eyes open and alive. He wasn't dead. Luna, who was standing behind Draco, looked at him with a frown, watching as the blond's breath grew unsteady. She herself had a tear escape down her cheek as she took in deep breaths.

"Well?" Voldemort said, arms out.

"Draco." Narcissa said, catching Draco's attention. He looked at his mother and father, uncertainty and heartbreak in his expression as people turned to look at him, Mcgonagall wishing she could do something that wouldn't get them both killed. Draco looked down and off to the side, inhaling sharply before he made his way past the rubble he stood on and towards his parents. Dean, Hermione, Ron, Luna and more watched as Draco made his way over with no look of surprise, but empathy.

"Ah, Draco, good job." Voldemort said, wrapping his arms around the blond when he stopped. Draco didn't move as Voldemort tightened his grip on him for a moment before dropping his arms. Narcissa reached a hand out and Draco took it, following her into the middle of the crowd of Death Eaters when Lucius tried to speak to him. Neville soon stepped forward, Voldemort laughing as he limped toward him.

"I expected better."

"I'd like to say something." Neville said.
"Doesn't matter that Harry's gone. People die everyday— Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with here." He said, motioning towards his heart. "So is Fred, Remus, Tonks...all of them. They didn't die in vain! But you will! Cause you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us! It's not over!"

Voldemort and the Death Eaters began to laugh, but were cut short. Harry dropped from Hagrid's arms and onto the ground and a collective gasp came from everyone. Hermione and Ron smiling widely when Harry stood up as Hagrid's eyes widened.

"Potter!" Draco yelled, running from Lucius and Narcissa and towards Harry, throwing him his wand. Harry caught it and threw a disarming spell at Voldemort before he ran in the opposite direction of the school.

Everyone watched in shock as Voldemort and his Death Eaters went after Harry, Narcissa taking Draco by his arm and dragging him away. Some Death Eaters followed students and professors into the school while others stayed behind Voldemort, breaking off here and there to soon leave Voldemort after Harry alone.

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