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"Why don't we rewrite the stars, changing the world to be ours."

Students rushed around and outside the beaten down Hogwarts with bags in hand, getting ready to leave for the holidays and summer on the express. Seventh year would have to be completed next winter, which made many students happy and others frustrated.

"I swear to Merlin, if we don't leave within the next five minutes Hermione will kill the both of us."

"Relax, love. It's right there."

Draco and Harry were on their way to the platform in which they'd be dropped off at so many times during the past seven years. The first place they'd ever seen Hogwarts. Harry was rushing Draco to the train, desperate to be on it in time before Hermione had the chance to scold them. He dragged Draco by his arm, rolling his trunk behind him in the other as he listened to Draco laugh and complain about how Hermione could wait up. Harry ignored him, shooing him into the train before him. When they boarded, Pansy came running at them both.

"Thank Merlin!" She said, exasperated. "Hermione was about to send me out for you two."

"That's so weird." Harry said, shaking his head as he squeezed past Pansy.

"What?" She asked, following behind him and gesturing towards one of the carts where Hermione and Ron sat.

"You, calling Hermione by her given name."

"It's just as weird as you calling Draco by his." She countered and Harry chuckled, smiling and saying hello to his friends when he entered the cart he had been motioned to. Throwing his trunk up on the shelve followed by Draco's own, he soon sat down beside Draco, Pansy sitting on the other side of the blond as Blaise had taken the seat beside Hermione in which Ron hadn't told him not to.

"This entire thing is weird." Draco said.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Us." Draco gestured towards them all. "Being friendly. It's a bit abnormal."

"Says the man who fell in love with Harry Potter." Blaise said, earning a playful glare from Draco. The atmosphere was no longer strained between them all. Hermione and Ron, Pansy and Blaise were doing their best to get to know one another for Harry and Draco. They knew it would make them happier, and that's all they cared about.

Now, as the train was off to Platform 9 3/4 and they all sat happily in the cart, there was nothing more Harry and Draco could ask for. They were finally together, finally happy. Even though Harry felt guilty for all those that died during the Battle of Hogwarts, and even though he felt guilty for not having just died, he was happy with Draco. Happy was holding his hand, messing with the blond's fingers as he spoke to Hermione about how he was sorry for calling her mudblood all these years and that the beliefs he carried were never actually his. Happy was looking at Draco and seeing the crinkles by his eyes when he smiled, causing butterflies in his stomach. Happy was Draco, and there was no where he'd rather be than with him.

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