Chapter Six

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As Ginny and Harry rushed down the halls to Gryffindor tower, Harry's thoughts ran wild as he wondered if everything was really happening. He wasn't sure if the Death Eaters were real, he wasn't sure if Voldemort was actually taking over the castle, he wasn't sure if Malfoy had actually been there.


"Ginny." Harry said, tugging at her hand to get her to stop walking. She turned around quickly, looking at Harry.


"I have to go back." He muttered.

Ginny frowned. "You can't. For all we know, You-Know-Who could be here."

"But Malfoy,"

"Is with Hermione."

"Ginny, I'm sorry." Harry frowned, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I'm really sorry." He let go of Ginny's hand and turned around, running back down the halls he had just walked moments ago. Ginny stood watching as he disappeared around a corner, sighing heavily. She truly liked Harry and thought Harry liked her, but she was confused now. Was it really Malfoy? Was he back? She wasn't sure.

As Harry ran down the halls, he pushed past students and professors that got in his way, finally reaching the open doors of the Great Hall. He saw fellow students upset, injured and afraid as they treated their wounds with simple spells and gauges to stop any bleeding.

Harry scanned the large room from Malfoy, soon noticing a blond standing beside a girl with very bushy hair. The blond turned towards the Great Hall doors and Harry inhaled deeply when he saw his face. It was Draco.

Draco stared at him, almost in shock that Harry had left Ginny near Gryffindor tower alone. But when he saw Harry running towards him he couldn't have cared less about who Harry left to get to him, only that he was there.

Catching Harry in a tight embrace, Draco held him as close as he could. The only thing to make the moment less than perfect was the feeling of Harry's ribs under Draco's fingertips, making Draco think horrible things.

"Hey," He whispered in Harry's ear, causing Harry to shiver as he clung onto the taller boy with all his strength. "When was the last time you ate?" Draco asked.

Harry pulled back and away from Draco's embrace, his tan skin darkening with a blush of embarrassment and almost, shame. "This morning." He lied.

Draco noticed this, even after being without Harry in his life for a year he knew him all too well. He took his hand, sitting him down at the Gryffindor table where Hermione was making sure Neville, Seamus and Dean were alright.

Draco went to collect food where others were doing the same for those needing to be hydrated. After the attack, the Death Eaters had gone again and no one knew if they'd be back. Draco brought Harry back pumpkin juice, treacle tarts, bread and some other small foods placed on a large plate.

Harry just stared at Draco, watching his every move, scanning his posture and expressions as if to make sure he was the real Draco Malfoy.

When Draco sat down and pushed the plate in front of Harry, he looked at Hermione and gestured towards him. Neville, Seamus, Dean and quite literally the rest of the Great Hall was staring at Draco.

"Oh!" Hermione exclaimed. "Right. Maybe I should explain." She sat across from Harry and Draco, reaching her hands out over the table for Harry but he didn't take them.

"When Malfoy died and Remus brought him back, he trusted me with doing everything in our power we could to bring him back." Hermione explained, glancing over at the rest of the school who were listening in. "It took me a month to revive him, Harry. A month. Another just to bring his brain back to normal and wake him up."

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