Chapter Ten

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"Please, have mercy on me. Take it easy on my heart."

It couldn't get worse.

Harry and Draco were now completely ignoring one another. Anytime Harry would walk by with his friends, Draco would occasionally sneer in his direction. Harry hated it, but he had done the right thing. And on the other hand, however, he wouldn't deny that Draco had every right to be mad at him for what had happened two mornings back.

Classes hadn't started up again due to the atmosphere of the school. Heavy, dark clouds hung over the large castle but no rain came down. It was as though the sun didn't exist, it was as dark as midnight morning through night.

It unsettled Harry. Worried him. He felt like something was wrong. Horribly wrong.

"What do you think is going to happen? Do you think we'll be sent home?" Neville asked as he sat beside Luna and another Ravenclaw. Students were scattered around different tables with friends from other houses, wanting desperately to stick together as their fear grew together.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, Neville!" Said Luna, smiling at him. When Harry had came into the Great Hall with Hermione and Dean, she had commented towards him. "You look awful, Harry."

Harry snorted. "Thanks, Luna." She was always brutally honest and that's a trait Harry liked - most times.

"What's going on?" Dean asked Neville.

"We're talking about what might happen to Hogwarts and us. Whether or not we'll be sent home." He replied.

"I don't think so," Hermione said, taking Harry's hand in hers. "I'm not confident everything will be okay, but by sending us home that would be putting us all in more danger than we are in here."

"Why's that?" Harry asked, watching as Hermione gently played with his fingers before she held his hand tight, looking over at him with a smile that said so many things. He smiled back at her sadly

"Because there are so many professors here. People who know what to do in times of peril." Hermione explained. Harry nodded, looking back at their hands. He pressed his lips together in a hard line as he sniffled, soon resting his head on Hermione's shoulder. She was his best friend and he loved her, so much. He wouldn't know what to do without her. Yes, he was mad at what she had kept from him, but knew it was only to do good. At the end of the day, he appreciated it.

She rested her head on his own, intertwining their fingers. Harry took in the moment, smiling to himself. He was genuinely okay in the moment. Safe. Soon Seamus, Ginny and Ron came and joined them at the table. Ginny sat beside Harry, resting a hand on his shoulder as he turned slightly to look at her with a small smile but never once picking his head up from Hermione's shoulder.

They stopped talking about the attack and Voldemort and ended up discussing classes and how Seamus still pulls pranks about being in love on Neville and oh how much Neville hates it. Meanwhile, Draco and Pansy were in the hall outside the Great Hall.

"I'm not doing this!" Pansy yelled.

"Calm down, Parkinson!" Draco huffed. "And if you were my best friend as you say, you'd do this. For me."

Draco and Blaise had come up with a plan. A perfect, undeniably witty plan. Or, as witty as they'd like to believe. Blaise was confused when Draco had game stomping into the Slytherin common room after spending some time in the Room of Requirement. When he had spoken to Blaise, he once more was all for hurting Potter.

Their plan was simple; Potter sees Draco and Pansy in the halls, kissing, and becomes hurt by this sight, leaving him sad and jealous. Just as Draco wants, or thinks he wants.

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