Chapter Four

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Ever want a song to listen to while reading this? Play Beautiful Crime by Tamer. Or Atlas by Sleeping at Last.


Harry decided he'd walk alone to Charms, seeing as he wanted to avoid the Great Hall. The sky was awfully dark this day and Harry had something in the pit of his stomach and the back of his head saying that something was wrong. But according to Harry, what could be worse than what was already happening?

Harry passed Luna, Lavender Brown and Pansy Parkinson on his way to Charms, Pansy being the only one who also had the class. She ran to catch up with Harry and when she did, she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, Potter." She greeted.

Harry looked over to see her walking beside him, the greeting making him jump the slightest bit. "Oh! Hey, Parkinson."

She squeezed his shoulder gently, a look of confusion washing over her face as she felt the bones that made up his shoulder, but ignoring it. "Charms?"


"Surprised you aren't walking with Weasel and Granger." She observed.

Harry shrugged, turning the corner of the hall and entering the Charms classroom where he was actually early.

"They are at breakfast." He stated, sitting on his desk with his bag placed on the floor by his feet. She sat at the desk her, Malfoy and Blaise always shared which stood three desks behind Harry and Ron's.

"Oh! Alright." She replied. It was silent after that, except for the occasional early student that came in and prepared for the class. Soon all students were in including Ron and Hermione. Ron sat beside Harry with a goofy grin on his face, a clear sign he and Hermione had a nice morning with no bickering.

"Happy, are we?" Harry observed.

Ron nodded, pulling out his Charms book. "Very, mate."

"Good for you." Harry nodded, genuinely glad Ron was happy. If he couldn't be, at least his friends were. That meant something.

"Did you see the sky? It looks like it's going to storm!" Ron exclaimed, leaning back in his chair.

"I noticed." Harry mumbled, leaning forward on the desk to look out the large ceiling-to-floor window in the classroom. Clouds were rolling in quickly and rain was already falling.

Soon, Charms class began and almost every student paid attention. The only ones who didn't were Harry and Ginny. Ginny was transporting notes back and forth to Harry when no one was looking, Harry doing the same back.

"Charms is quite useful, don't you think?" Wrote Ginny.

Harry snorted to himself and Ginny smiled over at him. "Depends on what you mean by useful." He wrote back.

"Protection?" She wrote. Harry nodded at the note before placing it in his bag and glancing over at Ginny, smiling at her. Ginny was the only one who could make him smile nowadays. After class, they met up out in the hall.

"Good point?" Ginny asked regarding the last note.

Harry nodded. "Very." She smiled at him as they made their way to Transfiguration.

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