Chapter Twelve: Learning

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The large camp was busy with activity as cats padded in and out with prey in their jaws and sometimes with different scents on their pelts. The sun was high in the sky and Springkit, Creamkit, Yellowkit, Rainkit, Amberkit, Sunkit, and Oakkit were in front of her, chasing after a moss ball that Fang had thrown. She was fitting in well with the Clan and her kits were due at any time. There were already so many kits and queens in the nursery, it was like suffocating.

Her eyes flickered to the medicine cat's den, however, where Puddleheart was sitting outside sorting herbs quietly, some cats that passed by him mewing hello, but he never looked up or said anything back. She padded over to him quietly, crouching down in front of him and his herbs.

"Hello, Whisperkit," he mewed, glancing up at her, but he didn't stop sorting his herbs.

Whisperkit looked at him with amusement and back down at the herbs, poking the nearest one that smelled delicious and was leafy.

Puddleheart smiled at her. "That's catmint." He put some more catmint on top of that one. "Best for treating greencough and whitecough," he told her and then sat upright, he looked down at her suspiciously. "Hey, Wintersky?"

The white she-cat who Whisperkit knew as her mother's sister padded over to them. Moonshine told them not to go near her, that something was wrong with her. She tilted her head at Wintersky who padded over to them, gazing down at Whisperkit with a smile.

"What is it, Puddleheart?" Her voice was sweet like honey and her light blue eyes were shining. Was she happy to be called over by the old medicine cat?

He was still looking at Whisperkit. "Has any cat ever heard Whisperkit talk?" he asked casually.

This puzzled Whisperkit. She hadn't ever talked before, but wasn't that normal? Did all kits just talk as soon as they wanted to? She wasn't sure. All her denmates were talking, even Springkit. Did she even know how? Fear struck her now.

Wintersky responded, looking as confused as Whisperkit felt, "I-I don't think so. Why? Is something wrong?" Now her light blue eyes held worry as she gazed at Whisperkit. But this wasn't just about her well-being, it was about something else.

"That's what I thought. She's been born for almost a moon now. No kit has taken this long to speak." He closed his eyes tightly, taking a deep breath. "I believe Whisperkit is mute."

The shock in Wintersky's gaze was clear and she could tell Wintersky was very worried for her. She wasn't sure why.

Beestar, a white she-cat with black ears, padding over, glancing at the two cats. "What's going on?" she asked, looking at Whisperkit.

Wintersky spoke up, "Puddleheart believes Whisperkit is mute." Her paws shuffled and Beestar looked alarmed.

Their leader turned to her. "Can you talk? Do you need some water? Does your throat hurt?" Beestar asked slowly and she looked terrified too.

She opened her jaws to respond, but no sound came out. This puzzled Whisperkit. What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she talk? She knew how to talk, or at least she thought she did. Her throat wasn't dry, nor did it hurt. Words just weren't forming, so she shrugged.

Before anyone could say anything, Moonshine and Clumsystep padded over, their eyes glaring at Wintersky. "What are you doing?" Moonshine snapped, but not necessarily to Wintersky. "What's going on?"

"We believe Whisperkit is mute," Puddleheart mewed before anyone could say anything. "She hasn't spoken and we have to be prepared." His eyes darted to Beestar for help.

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