Chapter Fourteen: Loss Of a Warrior

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The feverfew was tangy in Whisperpaw's mouth as she padded across the clearing and into the medicine den. Strikefang was having terrible headaches as well as bellyaches, but they had run out of feverfew so she fetched some more. As soon as she entered the den Puddleheart jumped to his paws and snatched the feverfew out of her jaws and fed some to Strikefang, then put the rest in storage.

The den was a mess: herbs, moss, and prey were scattered everywhere. They were so busy rushing in and out of the den, they hadn't even noticed the mess. Only one of the three nests for sick cats was taken and Strikefang laid in it. The moss in his nest probably hadn't been changed in moons, as well as the other nests.

She waved her tail at Puddleheart her glanced at her as she mouthed 'Junipernose'. She was very good at mouthing things and Puddleheart understanding her, as well as the other cats who cared to stop and watch. Junipernose was having terrible bellyaches during the nights, they weren't sure why.

"Of course! Junipernose!" Puddleheart shook his head and pulled out juniper berries from their stores and padded out, calling out after him, "Watch Strikefang!" And then he was gone.

Strikefang gazed at Whisperpaw in amusement. "Could I have a poppy seed to sleep, Whisperpaw?" he asked, shifting around but he looked weak, his eyes drooping and his head barely lifted off the edge of the nest.

Whisperpaw nodding, poking a poppy seed with her claw and setting it in front of Strikefang who ate it and set his head back down.

"I heard Beestar wants to raid the greenleaf twolegplace," he mewed, parting his jaws in a yawn. "I wish I could come."

She was startled. How come know one had told her? Strikefang never moved from his nest, and he knew before she did. But all she did was nod in agreement and mouthed 'rats'. Rats also scavenged for food at the greenleaf twolegplace and Whisperpaw knew she should get out the wild garlic and burdock root for the attack and make sure they had a good store. She turned away from the warrior.

When she turned away he mewed, "Yeah, rats." There was a snort of amusement. "The prey is running fine though. I think it's to test Ravenpaw and Dovepaw's fighting skills." She could hear him moving around in his nest as she pulled out the dark-leaved burdock root and the strong smelling wild garlic. They had plenty of each. "They are surely ready to be warriors this moon. Wintersky is a good-" He was cut off by a yawn. "Good mentor..." he finished and she could tell by his snoring he was asleep.

"Oh good, he's sleeping," Puddleheart mewed and padded over to her. "He told you about the greenleaf twolegplace raid?" She nodded at him. "Good. We're going and it's at sundown." He brought out the cobwebs and tormentil and took out an ivy leaf, wrapping up the herbs. "We have to get there before they do. Come on." He flicked his tail and sent a worried glance to Strikefang before exiting, Whisperpaw right behind him.

They had Wintersky and Ravenpaw escorting them to the greenleaf twolegplace and Whisperpaw was relieved to learn this as they padded through the pines at a brisk pace. The patrols would be leaving shortly.

"Sleekfeather is leading one and Beestar is leading the other. Creampaw, Yellowpaw, Dovepaw, and Ravenpaw are the only apprentices coming since they're the only 'paws skilled enough," Wintersky was mewing to Puddleheart. "They won't be big patrols either, we don't want the twolegs to notice us."

Her mentor was nodding in agreement was they neared the clearing, just outside of the clearing they began to set up their herbs. "Keep an eye on Stonefang, Wintersky," Puddleheart mewed. "He was having problems with his shoulder last time I knew."

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