Chapter Fifteen: Tempers Lead To Trouble

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A gray tail flicked in her face and she sneezed, shaking out her fur as the sun beat down on her back. For a heartbeat, she let herself believe it was Stonefang's tail, but Shadowclaw quickly turned around and murmured a reply as he led the way through the forest, listening to Springpaw and Birchwing meow, scaring away all the prey nearby. They had been hunting all morning since Sleekfeather told them not to come back until their jaws were full enough to feed the Clan, even though prey was plentiful. But Springpaw wouldn't shut his trap.

"Talk again and I will take your tongue," Wintersky finally snapped, wishing this would be over. Birchwing had no sense of discipline, which is why Echobreeze wouldn't shut her trap either. But then again, Birchwing was her father's brother and he was obnoxious too. And Sleekfeather was Birchwing's mentor. Which made no sense, Sleekfeather was a kind, wise, gentle, silent she-cat. Her pelt prickled.

Springpaw let out a snicker. "Oh please, you aren't going to do anything!" he spat, with a hint of challenge in his voice. "You can't lay a paw on me!"

Finally, Wintersky couldn't take it. "I can't?" she hissed and whipped around, cuffing him across the ears so hard he stumbled a few steps and then Wintersky hooked her claw into his leg and tripped him, feeling happy with herself. "Talk back to a warrior again and your punishment will be worse," she growled and whipped around, stalking off and hearing Springpaw whine something to Birchwing who just laughed. He wasn't upset with her.

"Oh Wintersky." The familiar warm voice lit her up and she instantly pressed her muzzle against Stonefang's. "You trained Ravenclaw very well. He is probably the best hunter in ShadowClan!"

Wintersky burned with pride a his praise. It had barely been a moon since Ravenclaw's ceremony and they had already had the Gathering and Whisperpaw went to her medicine cat meeting and was welcomed by everyone with warmth, even Jayfeather, who Feathersong always talked about being a bit cold. Kestrelflight was becoming old, Whisperpaw had told her. He would move onto StarClan soon, but Windflower was strong and healthy and she knew many herbs. Willowshine was sweet and nice and didn't stop smiling. Jayfeather had said Honeyblossom just gave birth to a tom and a she-cat and the she-cat, named Gingerkit, was already taking interest in herbs. But it was be at least five more moons until she was apprenticed.

"Thank you. I agree as well." She held her tongue, gazing into her mate's eyes, but she couldn't hold back. "I am, however, worried about Springpaw's training. He never stops talking and he scares away the prey. I haven't seen him catch anything in the last moon," she admitted, lashing her tail in anger. Wintersky knew she had a temper.

Stonefang was nodding in agreement. "I'll speak with Birchwing about discipline," he promised and licked her cheek, but a loud battle cry made them pull apart.

They both knew what was happening as they darted off towards the twoleg nest where the yowls were getting louder. It didn't necessarily sound like fighting, more like bickering.

"Get off ShadowClan territory!" That was Sunpaw.

"We'll rip you to shreds!" That one was Amberpaw.

"Don't make us use our claws, kittypet!" And Oakpaw.

They bursted into the clearing and all three apprentices turned to them, instantly looking guilty. In front of them stood Cosmo, a light-colored she-cat she remembered from the battle, but didn't know her name, and an unfamiliar brown she-cat. They looked amused.

Cosmo dipped her head to Wintersky. "We're sorry to be intruding, we're just passing through to the other part of the rogue territory. We probably should have waited for a patrol," she admitting, glancing at the others. "Call off your army of kits," she sneered.

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