Chapter Twenty: Moonpool

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Her paws began to ache as the Moonpool appeared just ahead. Puddleheart looked more tired than she did as they neared, but he picked up the pace until they were walking over to Willowshine and Windflower who were mewing happily and they smiled even wider when they approached.

"Whisperpaw, how are you feeling?" Windflower mewed with warmth in her voice.

She smiled at the WindClan medicine cat. 'I'm great' she mouthed with a smile and a tilt of her head. 'And you? How is WindClan?' She turned to look at Willowshine with amusement and she nodded at her.

"Sorry I'm late!" Jayfeather mewed, racing up to them with his blind blue eyes shining. "Gingerkit wouldn't get out of my fur." He snickered and then flicked his tail. "We should get in there."

Puddleheart nodded in agreement. "Let's go." Then he plunged into the darkness and Whisperpaw padded in after him, hearing someone slip inside after her.

She could never get use to never to the darkness in the tunnel. She continued walking until Puddleheart disappeared and light appeared. The Moonpool was lit up and very blue. She'd never get use to it's beauty.

The other medicine cats lapped up the water and laid down with their muzzles in the water and let StarClan come to them. Whisperpaw took a drink of the water and then another one and she felt something spark inside her and she cringed and flopped down to the ground, gasping in pain. Why did it hurt so much? She turned to Puddleheart who was still dreaming beside her. but knew she shouldn't wake him.

Suddenly, the pain was gone and she glanced at the pool. Better dream before it's too late, she thought and laid down with her muzzle in the pool and let sleep overcome her.

Blood splattered on the ground and a yowl of pain echoed throughout the clearing. A cat with wild and scared eyes darted past her with blood oozing out of it's pelt. She turned her head to see Wintersky leaning over a brown she-cat who looked terrified as well. Wintersky let her run. Her head turned more to see Slateleaf laying on the ground, his chest rising and falling slowly. He didn't seem okay. Whisperpaw's fear rose as the battle raged on.

And suddenly, it ended.

She shot up and looked beside her to see the other medicine cats moving as well. Willowshine parted her jaws to yawn and shook out her fur. Jayfeather was already waiting beside the entrance, his blind eyes looking directly at Whisperpaw. Puddleheart was smiling at Whisperpaw and Windflower was sitting silently.

"Let's get back to our camps, shall we?" Willowshine mewed and rose to her paws, leading the medicine cats out of the darkening cave and into the rising sun. They were gone a long time. She felt herself ache at the thought of the journey home. "I'll see you guys at the Gathering," she purred and padded away towards the WindClan border with Windflower following along.

Her mentor turned to her with dark eyes. "Let's get home then. Coming Jayfeather?" They turned to the blind medicine cat.

Jayfeather gave a small smile and nodded, slowly trailing after them as they started the long journey home.


When they'd reached camp the sun was high in the sky and Lionfur was leading Yellowbird, Hollypaw, Nightpaw, and Creamsky out of camp for a battle session and Fangclaw was leading Yarrowfur, Rainpaw, and Dovesong out of camp for a border patrol. Whisperpaw just nodded to them but Puddleheart didn't say anything to them.

Inside the camp, Wintersky and Flowerstem were sitting outside the nursery, meowing quietly. Wintersky was due at any time now. Beestar was sitting outside her den with Whiteeyes and Mudstorm, Oakpaw and Springpaw were hauling moss over to the elders den and the elders themselves were sunning themselves silently.

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