Don't Babe Me, You Idiot (A Kuroko no Basuke Fanfiction)
by Yetyoibabe
Copyright © 2014 Yetyoibabe
All Rights Reserved
You can never choose the person you fall in love with. That's a universal fact! We love the person who captures our heart regardless of what or who he/she is.
Love is not blind, it sees but it does not mind.
For a hopeless romantic person like me who dreamed of having a perfect love life that would end with a sweet "happy ever after", I believed there was someone out there destined for me. Someone who would love me unconditionally: A handsome, kind, and loving Prince Charming.
But another universal fact, not all dreams can come true. For in love, your standards and ideals won't matter. Whether you like it or not, you unexpectedly fall for someone that's way out of your ideal man/woman.
And in my case, I fell for a person whose true nature I could never understand. A truly despicable guy who easily tramples other people's dreams as if they were nothing.
I just couldn't help it.
Because the instant my eyes first caught a glimpse of him, he captured my heart in the strangest way possible. I had always thought there was a strange beauty in his arrogance. A strange beauty that sucks you in... A strange beauty that sucked me in.
Hanamiya Makoto.
I knew him. I'd heard a lot of things about him being an Uncrowned King, the Bad Boy inside the court, and also him being a very dangerous person. Knowing all those things, I kept my distance as I tried killing the little romantic feeling I had for him.
Which wasn't really easy.
The reason?
Well, we were in the same class and seeing him on a daily basis was practically normal. Every single day I couldn't help myself from falling for him deeper---deeper and deeper. Especially when he was so clever, smart, and talented. My heart didn't stand a chance. And before I knew it, I was already head over heels.
It was utterly foolish. What I was feeling for him was so wrong in so many levels! At that time, I would ask myself the same question over and over again:
Why a guy like him of all people?
Thus I concluded that my heart must've been the stupidest among all hearts.
Like really, no joke.
Even so, as long as I knew that my feelings for him didn't stand a chance, I knew I could still move on and forget about it---about him. Besides, it wasn't like he liked me too, anyway. He was a basketball head. He never cared about anything except basketball and basketball only.
So the wisest thing I did?
I convinced myself that he could never be mine.
Okay. Yeah, sure, I liked him. But I wasn't going to lie, I was also scared at the idea of having him. Terrified, even.
I mean, imagine having him as your boyfriend. You'd probably go nuts! He would call you idiot every time and would never hesitate to insult you straightly in the face, which he would always do to me every time he'd see my face back then.
Ah! Those painful times...
When you receive that kind of treatment from the person you secretly have a crush on, then you'd know how I felt. You'd start talking to yourself in the mirror, wondering how did you ever came to like such a genius dick.
Yup. Don't ask. I did that a thousand times already, mostly inside our school's comfort room as a matter of fact.
Like, how stupid could I get?
Then one fine day, as impossible as an apocalypse happening, all of a sudden he came to me.
"You like me, right? Then from now on you'll be my girlfriend."
When he blurted out those words right in front of my face, I swear I stopped breathing for a moment. To say that I was surprised would've been an understatement. Heck, I was shocked!
I mean, there I was, sitting on my chair with an oblivious smile as I silently read my novel when he abruptly appeared out of nowhere and then blab about things that didn't actually make sense. Good Heavens! I froze. I couldn't even utter a word. I never thought he'd do something like that, it didn't even cross my mind. Not even once.
Well, honestly, a part of me was happy. But the other part wasn't.
I was just too dumbstricken that I even forgot to exhale---that even when he leaned forwards to press his lips on mine as a seal of our so-called relationship, I couldn't react at all. I just stood there, stiff as a twig.
"S-Seriously?" was the only word that escaped from my lips.
He raised a brow (and a thick brow at that) then smirked. "Do I look like I'm joking? Of course I'm serious, you idiot!"
What kind of guy calls his girlfriend an idiot every time? What kind of guy insults his girlfriend casually in front of other people? What kind of guy ignores his girlfriend and chooses basketball over her?
That kind of guy was Hanamiya Makoto.
You can say I had it rough. It was hard being his girlfriend. Though I must say he had his good points as well because he would help me study and he'd always remember to introduce me to every one that he knew as his girl. So apparently, the whole school knew that I was Hanamiya Makoto's girl.
And frankly, that was the sweetest part of him...
Months had passed rather quickly and yet there was still no change. He was still the same horrible boyfriend to me, and I was still the same martyr girlfriend to him. I was starting to get tired of it. I didn't know if he really cared about me or he just dragged me into a relationship for fun. Because, honestly, he never said he loved me.
My bestfriend who happened to be a part of the basketball team was the one who comforted me during those times where I was so upset. I believed I didn't deserve the treatment Hanamiya was giving me. I was there for him, I accepted him even though I knew he was not the Prince Charming I was dreaming for.
I loved him so much... More than anybody else.
But love isn't enough to keep a relationship going. Especially ours which seemed to be only one-sided. So I decided to talk to him. I made up my mind, I would make things clear.
That day, I came to watch his game against Seiren High. And I saw what he did, the terrible thing he did to Kiyoshi Teppei---his fellow Uncrowned King.
It was pure evil.
After their game, I talked to him. I couldn't possibly stop myself from scolding him about what he did. I said so many things, things that I knew were right. But you know what he did? He said something so cruel.
"I don't give a damn about what you're saying! I don't give a shit about everything! You can't tell me what to do! So shut your mouth because I don't have time for you!"
Those words pierced my heart, like a knife stabbing my chest a couple hundred times. As much as I didn't want to look pathetic in front of him, hot tears escaped from my eyes.
So that was it, I really meant nothing to him.
No matter what I'd do, he would never change. He was a despicable guy and falling in love with him was the biggest mistake I'd ever done in my life.
When he saw me crying, he was taken aback and he immediately reached out to touch me. But I moved back, pushing his hands away.
"I'm sorry, Makoto. I can't take it anymore. We're through."
He was evidently surprised when he heard what I said. But I knew better not to fall for it again so I started walking away with long strides.
A part of me knew that he wouldn't come running after, but the other part was praying that he'd come after me, proving the other wrong.
And guess what, he never did...

Don't Babe Me, You Idiot (Kuroko no Basuke Fanfiction)
Fanfiction"When a bad boy falls in love, he falls in love deeper than you could ever imagine..." This is a story about mistakes, consequences, and second chances. A story about how love guides you back into the right path. --- Don't Babe Me, You Idiot (A Hana...