He Actually Cares

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Chapter Two

I woke up the next day, body sore and heavy. Memories of what happened the night before came rushing back to me, causing me to freak out and blush uncontrollably. I could even feel smoke literally coming out of my face.

I couldn't believe it happened.

When I turned to the other side of the bed, however, my chest tightened painfully. He was not there. Not even a shadow of the guy whom I had given my everything was seen.

I pulled myself up, wrapping the blanket around my naked body before storming out of the room. I searched the entire house but he was nowhere.

He left... He just left!

I gritted my teeth then literally slammed my forehead against our hard wall. Hissing in pain, I clenched my fists.

How could I be so stupid?

I surrendered my body and soul to him, which was the worst thing I've ever done in my whole entire life---other than loving a jerk like him of course, and yet... Where was he? He left without even saying anything.

That despicable guy!

I groaned, furiously wiping the tears that streamed down to my cheeks. It wasn't entirely his fault. I was to blame, too. What happened was under my consent. I shouldn't be expecting anything from him since I knew from the very start we no longer had any commitment. But it was just that...

It hurt. It damn did.

Those three words he said to me actually meant nothing. Those were just sweet lies to make a fool out of me. To get what he wanted.

"Curse you, Hanamiya Makoto!"


After turning the shower off, I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. The cold water helped my mind cool down a little bit. I went to my dresser and blow-dried my wet, shoulder-length, straight blonde hair.

My resolve? I was going to pretend that nothing happened.

Well, it wasn't like I was the only girl who lost her virginity at the age of seventeen, right? I was sure there were a lot more out there, too.

Yeah. Definitely.

But then after a few more seconds of thinking, I froze up. What the actual heck was I thinking?

I was definitely screwed!

There was nothing to act cool about. I lost it and I couldn't take it back from Hanamiya anymore. Oh, wait... Actually it was more than that. I felt like I lost not only my virginity but also my dignity and pride as a girl. Now, how could I ever face everyone?

After minutes of cursing myself and my stupidity and Hanamiya, I stood up then swiftly changed into my school uniform. I even felt like not attending classes either. Honestly, I felt like dying. I wanted to bury myself alive.

Fuck my life...

When I faced the mirror once again for the finishing touch, I groaned. I looked scary and terrible. Even kindergartens on the street would probably get frightened if they saw my face.


I flinched when I heard my sister's voice outside, followed by a few knocks. I grabbed my school bag and hurriedly opened the door. "Morning, Nee-chan. You just got here, didn't you?"

She smiled sheepishly. "Yeah. Don't tell Mom and Dad, okay?"

I sighed, nodding my head. "Of course, as always."

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