A Tiny Heartbeat

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Chapter Nine

Why am I bleeding?

I held onto the bed post for support as I was beginning to lose all train of thoughts. The fear and pain that I was feeling were overlapping any unnecessary notion. The excruciating pain in my stomach, it was killing me in a slow but steady process. My breathing reduced to shallow intakes of air, my right hand was clenching my abdomen as if it would lessen up the pain, and my other hand was grasping my phone tightly.


Dragging my feet, I made my way through the door and into the family room, leaving a trail of blood behind. "O-Onee-chan!" I screamed, but there was no reply. "M-Mom! D-Dad!" I screamed again, but there was only silence. I began to tear up, they must've been gone already. I was left alone.

"H-Help! Aaah!" I leaned against the wall, screaming and wailing in pain. I couldn't understand why it was happening to me. I didn't know what it was. The pain wouldn't go away. The bleeding wouldn't stop. The fear was eating me up. I brought my phone closer to my face and with blurry sight, I managed to make a call. Thankfully, somebody picked up immediately.

"H-Help.." I whimpered, losing my breath. "Please help me.."

"Nadeshiko? What happened?" Panic was traceable in his voice. And when I wasn't able to answer, I heard his fast and heavy footsteps as if he had started running. "What's wrong, Nadeshiko? Answer me!"

"P-Please.. H-Help.." I accidentally dropped my phone when darkness suddenly clouded my vision. I sunk into the floor, my body was beginning to get numb.

"Nadeshiko? Nadeshiko?! Nadeshiko! Damn it!"

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I sat there on the floor, leaning against the wall. My own blood was starting to pool underneath me, my breathing was getting harder and harder, and all the strength I had left was draining out of me.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Three minutes.

I closed my eyes and prayed. I didn't want to die yet. Not yet.

Five minutes.

Ten minutes.

Please, somebody save me!

Twelve minutes.

Thirteen minutes.

I heard our front door swung open, I slowly opened my eyes. Hanamiya Makoto's horrified face was the first thing that I saw, he was standing in front of me, panting and drenched in sweat.

"M-Makoto," I breathed out in relief with tears in my eyes.

"Jesus, Nadeshiko!" He ran towards me and quickly gathered me in his arms. I could feel him shaking in fear as he sprinted through our living room and out of our house while carrying me. "Baby, hang in there! Please!"

I gripped unto his arm tightly as I barely heard anything. The darkness that shrouded my vision was sucking me in. "I-I c-can't.."

"Don't close your eyes, okay? Look at me, Nadeshiko! Look at me."

With half-lidded eyes, I stared at his face. He looked dreadfully worried. There were tears in his brown eyes and sweat was trickling down to his temples. We entered his car that was waiting for us outside. He never once let me go, he had me secured in his arms. As the driver turned on the engine and we started moving, he planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"Please hold on. I love you, and I can't imagine myself without you." I heard him whisper in a desperate yet longing tone. But somehow, it was very melodic to my ears.

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