Repentance and Forgiveness

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Chapter Eleven

We mustn't allow past failure to cause us to give up the warfare. To lose a battle does not mean that the war is lost. We cannot retrace our steps, we cannot undo the past. We can, however, chart our course for the future. We mustn't excuse present behaviour because of past failure. We should confess our wrong and accept forgiveness. The worst regret we can have in life is not for the wrong things we did, but for the right things we could have done but we never did.

At some point in our life, we need to face the consequences of our past actions. But that doesn't mean it's already too late for us to change. It's just the fact that in every wrong decision we make, there is a corresponding consequence.

Just deal with it. That's maturity.

I sat in front of the doctor--hours after we arrived at the hospital. Hanamiya had been taken care of and I was too. The bleeding had stopped, the pain was gone. Which was good. I couldn't possibly deal another pain when Hanamiya was not beside me for support.

"I already told you to avoid stress and strenuous activities but you never listened," the doctor scribbled something down on the chart she was holding before glancing at me. "You're lucky your baby is a fighter. You just have to take these prescriptions to avoid another spotting." She handed me the piece of paper with some words written on it which I couldn't really read. "But please be more careful with your body, dear. That's not only for you anymore, your child will be severely affected if something happens. You already know the worst thing that could happen, don't you?" She continued, giving me a stern look.

I nodded my head, "Y-Yes. Thank you, Doc."

After giving me another set of grim precautions and reminders, she finally left. I let go of the breath I was holding. I was relieved - so very relieved - that it was just a minor spotting and that my baby was holding on. I didn't know what I could possibly do if I ever lost my child.

Everybody in the room was still and silent after the Doctor was out. Seiren never left, they did everything they could to help us. If we were a minute late in coming to the hospital, it would've been dangerous or I would've had a miscarriage. But thankfully, they were fast as lightning in taking us to the Emergency Room.

They saved me. They saved my baby. They even saved Hanamiya----the guy who did nothing but pure cruelty to them; the guy who tried to destroy their dreams; the guy who had inflected them pain, not just once but many times.

And yet.. There they were, they didn't even hesitate to help and support Hanamiya and carry him when he had gone unconscious. They were even willing to keep us company while our families had yet to come. Hanamiya was already transferred to a private room so they had a place to get comfortable at least.

"I'm glad your baby is safe, Nadeshiko-chan." Kiyoshi said, placing a hand on my shoulder. He was the one who carried me and never left my side. Having him around was really comforting. And convenient too.

I gave him a faint smile, "Thank you, Teppei-kun. You saved us."

I turned to Hanamiya who was currently on the hospital bed, lying unconscious with a thick bandage wrapped around his head. Wounds and bruises were all over his face. The doctor who treated him said that other than that and the wound on his head, he was perfectly fine. No severe damages and broken bones. But still, looking at him like that, my chest tightened painfully at the view. He still looked so damaged. Hurt.

If Seiren hadn't come to rescue us? What could have happened? No. I couldn't even imagine.

Tears instantly formed in my eyes because of the thought. I held Hanamiya's hand and squeezed it lightly. And to my utter surprise, he responded by squeezing mine too. I quickly stood up and repositioned myself near his face. "Makoto? Are you awake?"

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