You Don't Need That To Win

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Chapter Five

It had been two weeks ever since Hanamiya and I started dating again. And this time, we go on real romantic dates---like eat together in a restaurant or watch movies together. And thankfully not just spend time studying in a boring library or watch him and the basketball team practice in the gym like what we used to do back then.

The news of us getting back together had spred throughout the whole school too. I wasn't really broadcasting it (and the only person I informed was Hara) but since Hanamiya had no problems in displaying his love and affection, it was nearly impossible to keep our relationship a secret.

He would kiss me on the cheek or on the head even though there's a lot of people around, he would hold my hand every time especially when we would stroll around the school grounds, and he would act like a helpless loverboy every time we would eat together in the lunchroom or in the gym whenever I'd come to watch them practice.

Frankly, he was like a lovesick kiddo down the road..

But oh well, I had no issues about it or about him. It's just that it was embarrassing sometimes especially when people would stare at us and squeal and giggle. Good God! We were like Kirisaki Dai Ichi's number one OTP.

Hanamiya's sweetness was beyond my expectation, he was far from being the tsundere he once was. And I must admit, I was happy about it. I felt so special this time whenever he was around. Although he was quite protective and possesive sometimes, I didn't mind. As long as he wouldn't exaggerate, that is.

I massaged my temples as I leaned my back against the chair. Early in the morning and yet I was having a headache. I was feeling a bit neauseus too, like I was going to throw up any second.

"Hey, are you okay?"

I turned to Kojiro beside me. He was giving me a worried look. "Yeah, of course. Just a minor headache."

"Are you sure, Harashi? You're quite pale." Kentaro also gave me a worried glance.

I nodded my head and forced a smile on my lips. "Yes, I'm okay. Don't worry."

Seeing the look on their faces put me on a trance. They're nice guys. Except when they're inside the court, they're totally harmless. They even worry about the smallest thing when it comes to me. But why? Why were they insisting on winning using methods that could hurt people? Sometimes, I really couldn't understand them at all--especially Hanamiya. He was the one who taught them how to use such filthy techniques. I knew it should be out of my concern, but they're my friends. Kazuya Hara is my bestfriend and Hanamiya Makoto is my boyfriend. I didn't want to see them hurt other people.

I didn't want to see them destroy other people's dreams.

Just like what they did to Kiyoshi Teppei last year. I heard he was stuck in the hospital for months because of his injury. I really felt sorry for him. It was terrible and so cruel. A part of me wanted to blame myself, I should've done something to stop Hanamiya's nasty plans. But I was so useless. Back then, I couldn't do a thing.

Sighing, I began to think about the things I could possibly do to stop Hanamiya's evil acts. I should be held responsible for him since I'm his girlfriend. I just didn't want to see anybody getting hurt because of them.. because of him..


"Ne, Makoto.." I glanced at him beside me. He stopped eating then turned to me. "..I wanted to ask you something."

He hummed, "What is it, babe?"

I wanted to protest about him calling me 'babe' in front of everybody again but I held myself back for the moment. I had an important matter to talk to him first. And I didn't want to ruin my chance, I already prepared myself for the worst.

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