A Whole New Hanamiya Makoto

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Chapter Ten

That complete bedrest for two weeks nearly put me on edge. Especially when Hanamiya was there to check me like every passing hour. I couldn't even pee without him following me. Well, it's not like I needed someone to hold me because I could already manage on my own, but he just had to make sure that his two babies would be alright---that's what he would always say.

And just like what he said, I dropped out of school. We planned to continue my studies after I give birth or so, my parents also agreed to that. After my two-week bedrest, I convinced Hanamiya to attend his classes since I was already fine anyway. He is a top student and he had to maintain his excellent grades. He refused at first, but he eventually gave in at the end.

My pregnancy was a secret, nobody except our friends and families knew about it----and it should stay that way until we get wed. Which would be happening in a year, when Hanamiya and I turn 18. We planned the wedding to be a simple closed family affair but when Hanamiya's sister heard about it, she promised us that she'd make the preparations grand. Both of us weren't able to say No since she sounded so awfully excited over the phone.

His parents heard about the news too, they were disappointed and upset about it as well. They talked to the both of us through video call since they were currently overseas. But unexpectedly, they were somehow impressed of how their son had taken care of the situation responsibly. They were also very eager to see their upcoming grandchild even though I was still two months pregnant and there's still another seven more months to go.

I've never been more happy all my life, everything was going well---except maybe for my condition where I had to deal with the difficulty of my first trimester.

Oh, the pain..

The absolute pain.

I could feel Hanamiya beside me, gently pushing all my blonde locks back and giving my back a gentle rub. My stomach calmed down almost immediately. It was still different when you had someone to comfort you during times like that. I was thankful Hanamiya was there to support me, I was not alone anymore.

I was almost gasping for air by the time I already puked all my contents out. He gave me a glass of water and I quickly gurgled my mouth with water for a few times.

"You're supposed to save half for drinking." He started softly, taking the empty glass from my hand then putting it back on the sink.

I turned to look at him. His face was different. More mature. More gentle. I smiled weakly before leaning my body against him. He responded by wrapping his arms around me, holding me close. I sighed, closing my eyes and feeling his warmth.

"Are you okay?" Hanamiya finally asked. He brought me back to the bed where I was laid down to rest. He was already prepared for school and was ready to go when he heard me vomiting in the bathroom. "Should I just stay with you today?"

I inhaled deeply, trying to regain back my usual pattern of breathing. "No, I'll be fine. Mom will stay with me so there's no need for you to skip school."

"I was thinking about getting our own house but Onii-san said we're free to stay at the mansion," he said, bringing the covers up to my chest then brushing aside the few strands of hair on my face.

"Eh? But I want to stay here, I want to stay here with Mom since she can help me with my pregnancy."

"Yes, I know that. That's why I changed my mind."

I narrowed my eyes then looked at him suspiciously. "And besides, do you even have money?"

He gave me a toothy grin, "Of course. I have millions in my bank account."

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