His Unexpected Visit

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Chapter One

I deeply stared at my phone's screen, frowning. It was a text from my ever-so-daredevil ex-boyfriend, Hanamiya Makoto. It only said three words:

"I need you."

I immediately popped a few visible veins. I felt like slamming my precious Iphone against the wall. But remembering the possibility of a whole week non-stop lectures from my parents, I refrained myself. So I placed my bag at the top of my study table then sat on the edge of my bed instead.

I just got home from watching the game between our team and Seiren High. And apparently, we lost.. Again. It was a disgusting game. I didn't even want to go if it weren't because of my friends who dragged me with them by force.

I mean, really, our basketball team sucked big time. They were strong, but they focused on using filthy underhanded techniques instead of polishing their natural skills.

Talk about idiots.

I put my phone away, not even caring to reply to Hanamiya's message, then changed into a black loose blouse and white shorts. I took my Romance Novel and sat in front of my study table. The perks of having no assignments: I get to do what I want to do. I'd always liked to read romance stories... Well, I guess you can call me hopeless romantic.

Yeah. A hopeless romantic who fell for the wrong guy. The worst guy ever.

I miserably groaned, giving myself a mental bitch slap. I was so stupid. Why did I fall for him anyway? He wasn't even that goodlooking. Well, he was kind of cute and sexy.. and smart.. and mean.. and arrogant.. duhh, whatever. Did I fall for his thick eyebrows? Or was it because of his extremely high IQ?

No. None of the above.

I was just too naive back then. Yeah, that's why. I was bewitched and fooled. I mean, hell! He may be smart and cute, but his attitude was a major turn-off. He was even mean and indifferent to me even though we were already dating back then. It's a miracle I was still alive and my heart was still working properly now.

It took me months to finally snap out of my stupidity and see him for what he truly was. A bad boy! A guy unworthy of me and my love.

The sudden buzzing of my phone startled me, snapping me out of my thoughts. After realizing that it was him again, I rolled my eyes before checking his new message:

"..I need you. Now!"

I gritted my teeth and furiously typed a reply:

"I'm busy. Go to hell!"

His next message nearly made me fall off from my seat:

"I'm going to ring your doorbell."

I quickly stood up, peeping through my window. And much to my horror, his car was outside, just across the street. The shithead knew I wouldn't come if he'd set up a meeting place so he was going to pick me up. Door-to-door.

Freaking clever! As expected from a jerk whose IQ was over 160.

Defeated, I sighed. He already knew my address because he had visited me at home for a few times before. My bad...

Without even fixing myself, I walked out of my room and headed downstairs. It was a good thing Mom and Dad weren't home and my older sister, who was supposed to be my only company, took advantage of our parents' absence and went to sleepover with her friends. So I was left alone.

Wait... I was alone. With Hanamiya Makoto outside.

I stopped on my tracks, feeling the pounding of my heart inside my chest. "Should I let him in? Should I let a wolf in? Seriously?" I murmured to myself as if somebody would actually give me a sensible answer.

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