Uh, Kiyoshi Teppei?

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Chapter Six

I'm so stupid!

Yeah, actually I really was. I didn't even know what I was doing anymore. All those things that I said to Hanamiya, were they unreasonable? They weren't, right? I wasn't unfair! I was only teaching him a lesson.

So he had to choose: me or his disgusting basketball.

If he really loved me then he would listen to what I say, it was for the best. Because it's not like playing agressively was all that he could do---he's a genius, a talented player, and his spider web is nearly invincible. He can even score whenever he wants to. Therefore, he needn't use his filthy basketball anymore and hurt other players.

I knew I was right. But how would I make him understand if he wouldn't even listen to me?

Makoto, you blockhead!

Sighing, I looked up at the fast food's signage. Maji Burger. I really liked the place's Cherry Sundae. At the moment, I wanted to eat all my frustration and sadness out. I knew something cold and sweet would help and besides, it's what my taste buds were looking for.

And just as I was about to open the door, somebody pushed it from the other side. It hit my face hard, causing me to squeal in pain.

"Crap! It hurts!" I cupped my nose and moved away from the glass door, cursing the bastard who opened it without even checking if there was somebody on the other side.

"You hurt her, Kiyoshi!"

"Ow. That hurts, Hyuga. I didn't do it on purpose."

"Shut up. Let's just check her, d'aho!"

I froze up and blinked a couple of times. Kiyoshi? Hyuga? Don't tell me-- Seiren? Dang it! What must I do?

I was getting incredibly nervous all of a sudden. They surely hate Hanamiya because of what he did to Kiyoshi. And me, as his girlfriend, meeting them there, should I run? Yeah, I should.

But wait..

What the fudge am I thinking?

I did not do anything wrong. What Hanamiya did to them was all on him, I had nothing to do with it. So I should stop acting like a paranoid wimp.

Stop overreacting, Nadeshiko. It's not like they know you or something.

"H-Hey! Are you okay? I'm sorry I wasn't looking." The giant brunette apologized, nervously scratching the back of his head.

I fixed myself and turned to them, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

"No, you're not. You're bleeding." Hyuga exclaimed, quite panicking and concern was hinted in his loud voice.

"H-Huh?" I checked my nose and gasped when I saw blood on my fingers. "What the freaking.."

"Here." Kiyoshi rushed to my assistance, pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket then wiping the red liquid clean on my face. He pressed it against my nose to stop the bleeding---stopping me from breathing too.

"C-Can't breathe.." I managed to say, my voice muffled up by his hand. Then I saw Hyuga gave the brunette a hand chop on the head, causing the latter to grunt in pain and move away. I immediately tried to make up for the lost air.

"That hurts, Hyuga!"

"She can't breathe, d'aho!"

Kiyoshi looked at me apologetically before handing me the piece of cloth, "S-Sorry."

"It's okay," I took the hanky and pressed it softly on my nose, carefully pampering my poor olfactory organ. It was still hurting like shit, but I managed to give them a sly smile. "Ja, I'll go inside. Be careful next time."

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