What He Truly Feels

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Chapter Four

It was already dark when Hanamiya and I came out of the theatre after the movie was finished. My eyes were still sore from crying and I was still feeling so sad. I mean, why did the hero has to die? He didn't deserve it. And it was a waste since he was major handsome and dreamy.

Freaking writers and directors be like serial killers!

I was still stuck in my thoughts when Hanamiya Makoto suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me away again. "Let's go."

"Where to?" I tried keeping up with his pace since he was walking pretty fast. "It's getting late, Hanamiya. I should be getting home."

"I'll call your sister," he stopped walking then fished his phone out of his pocket using his other hand. "I'll tell her you'll be spending the night at my house."

What I heard made me drop my jaw real low. "What are you talking about? I am not going to your damn house."

He frowned, "Why not?"

I held back myself from exploding and remained calm, my voice restrained. "Because I have no business there. Now take me home."

"No," he smirked then pressed his phone on his ear. "Hello? This is Hanamiya Makoto. Nadeshiko-chan is spending the night at my place---"

"WHAT THE HELL, HANAMIYA MAKOTO!" I screamed, losing my control completely. I forcefully yanked my hand away then grabbed the phone from his hand. "Give me a break! I'm tired and hungry! I don't have time to play with you and your damn games!"

He gave me a blank look, blinking his eyes owlishly after a few seconds. Some people looked at me oddly too after hearing my sudden outburst.


I made a scene again---in the middle of the street this time.

I groaned, bowing my head to hide my stupid face. I was really having the will to die. It was mortifying!

"Hello? Hello? Makoto-kun? Nadeshiko? Hello?" I heard my sister's voice from the phone. I was just about to speak to her when Hanamiya took the mobile again, leaving me growling like a dog in infuriation.

What the hell is this guy up to?

"Yeah, I'll take care of her. Thanks, bye." He cut the call then put away his phone. He turned to me, giving me another one of his grins. "Chill, babe. We're just going to have dinner at home. And your sister says Hi by the way."

I gave him a weird look--as if he had grown real live horns above his head. He was not serious, was he? I had never been to his house, he never once brought me there. In fact, I didn't know anything about his family. But I heard they were rich and that they have a rather productive business.

"I can't go there, Hanamiya. I won't. I'm not your girlfriend anymore." I said as-a-matter-of-factly, stating a universal fact.

He looked like he had swallowed something nasty but then decided to speak. "Let's go. I already asked your sister's permission and she said it's okay since your parents are still out of town."

I facepalmed dramatically. He really wouldn't listen to me. "Look, that's not my point."

A car suddenly parked in front of us---his car. Then without another word, he opened the backseat for me. I groaned and reluctantly hopped in, knowing that my struggles and complaints were pointless. He closed the door to my side then turned to the other side. He opened the door then got in, sitting beside me.

The whole ride was silent and peaceful. But honestly, I was nervous as shit. It's going to be my first time visiting his house. I didn't know what to do. What are his parents like? What about his siblings? I bit my lower lip then internally cried tears of frustrating helplessness.

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