Chef: Welcome Back... Last time Beth went from winner to loser being voted out first. What will this episode hold? Will stay tuned to find that out on Total Drama the comeback!
Heather: Alejandro... Alejandro...
Alejandro: Yes?
Heather: No beauty comment today?
Alejandro: Nope I'm busy dealing with pretty boy
Heather: Justin?
Alejandro: How dare you refer to him as pretty boy! But ye s that's who I'm talking about
Heather: Interesting, I could maybe help you out with that?
Alejandro: And how can you do that?
Heather: Easy I'll tell you what to do!
Alejandro: Of course you will
Heather: Theres Tyler and Harold on that team. Tyler should be easy but Harold is a challenge...
Alejandro: Harold is easy
Heather: You say that don't underestimate your opponents.
Alejandro: Yeah ok
Heather: You'll fall soon if you don't follow that 🤷🏻♂️
*Confessional Heather: Why am I helping Alejandro? Easy I need a teammate and he is actually really really really perfect at stuff... (blushes)*
Gwen: Ok Tyler how do you trip off a cliff that easily
Tyler: Have you seen how I was man handled in TDWT? I was worried
Gwen: I suppose but your not going to go far if your worried of people!
Tyler: Ok
Gwen: Listen just do good this challenge and we're already doing better than we did before
Tyler: Mhm
Gwen: Also don't get focused on your relationship I learned that the hard way
Tyler: Were always on different teams anyways I'm used to it at this point
Gwen: And Chris always puts me with Duncan or Courtney
Tyler: I mean just ignore them it's not hard
Gwen: It is hard though there always glancing at me
Tyler: Listen just don't look back, I learned all of this while sitting alone at lunch I wasn't exactly the "popular kid" at school
Gwen: Hmm that's sad
Tyler: It's not like I cared I was alone basically all the time. Until I came on here and still flopped but atleast I have Lindsay so I'm not totally alone
Gwen: Damn
Tyler: Anyways Alejandro told me to talk to him so I'll go
Gwen: And don't believe a word he says.
Tyler: Uhh ok
*A few minutes later*
Tyler: So Alejandro what did you call me over here for?
Alejandro: So would you like to reform our TDWT alliance?
Tyler: Yeah!
Alejandro: Perfect...
*Tyler exits*
Alejandro: That was actually way to easy
Heather: I'll say