Total Drama The Comeback Episode 18

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Episode 18

Bridgette: Were back! And we have our final 2 and we have an exclusive interview with our final 2!

Trent: We will be giving you the rundown on the season.

Bridgette: We couldn't interview them here since that's breaking the rules of the game but I went back to the island and interviewed them in a closed room! And here are the tapes from that!

(They first show the clip of Heather)

Heather: You again? God your probably screwing Chris in the back

Bridgette: That's not true I just gotta get paid plus I'm the only one who does this for minimum wage so yeah

Heather: Why is this like some police interrogation room?

Bridgette: I don't know just roll with it

Heather: Your not the one answering the questions... whatever just bring on the questions

Bridgette: Alright, Why did you go back to your villainous way when last time you won you weren't a villain just someone who went with the flow?

Heather: Villainous? Oh please! I said this many times but I'm just playing the game! And look where I am I'm in the final 2 it's not like it cost me anything!

Bridgette: Oh but it did... it costed you respect

Heather: Why would I care about respect? Respect doesn't get you a million bucks just look at you for example... you were at your peak at Island and the only thing you gained out of that season was a boyfriend... and now that's gone. In Action you were first out... World Tour you fell for Alejandro's tricks like a simple pig. And what happened when your boyfriend broke up with you? He won a million dollars... while you are sitting at home alone...

Bridgette: (Trying not to show any anger) Alright... then... are you treating your other finalist Tyler as a threat?

Heather: Hell no! The only reason why he lasted this long was because someone was always a bigger target than him! He got lucky with the challenges... and his luck is near a harsh end

Bridgette: Ok then... next question do you feel this has become personal?

Heather: No... the only one who thinks this is personal is Tyler! He always is talking about Lindsay and how he wants to get revenge for her and he wonders why he always gets out shadowed but don't worry I'll be sure to make the finale just about me and him and Lindsay will be no where near us...

Bridgette: Uhh... you went off topic there but that's fine

Heather: I know that's fine I'm answering your own damn question! Next question!

(Pauses the clip)

Bridgette: At this point I just wanted to scream...

(The clip resumes)

Bridgette: Ugh Alright... 2 more questions...

Heather: Well then stop waiting at bring them on

Bridgette: Alright then, Do you have a game plan if so can you give us a glimpse of it?

Heather: I'll tell you the whole thing... do win the damn challenge and the money! In reality I don't need a harder plan than that because we all know Tyler like I said had luck on his side but luck is ending once I go he falls... just like you fell But way worse

(Bridgette pauses the clip)

Bridgette: At this point I was done and was very unprofessional in the next question but I still have no regrets

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