Total Drama The Comeback Episode 16

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Episode 16

Bridgette: We're on? Sweet! Welcome to Total Drama The Aftermath! Now since Geoff couldn't make it and kinda since we broke up I'm here with...

Trent: What's up!

Bridgette: Haven't seen you in a while huh?

Trent: Yeah... but let's not talk about the past let's talk about now

Bridgette: Good choice! We had a fantastic season and we're down to 3! Tyler, Eva and Heather! Now let's talk about Eva here easily the dark horse of this season.

Trent: Yeah. Eva had a strong comeback this season chilling out with the anger and started a feud with Jo at the every start of the game, and later made a team with Noah which ended quickly. Than she would team up with Jo as a love and hate friendship and than paired with Heather and later Heather would take out Eva's teammate Jo.

Bridgette: And we are going to be interviewing some of the contestants in this season in an special episode to get the deep inside thoughts of the contestants. And to start off... Jo!

Trent: So let's welcome this season's 5th placement Jo!

Jo: Hey what's up!

Trent: 5th place again? That's tough

Jo: Hey atleast I got past 11th and 10th... twice

Trent: To be fair you did have a smaller cast...

Jo: Whatever bland and blandly give me your questions

Bridgette: Umm ok... first off how did you and Eva become "friends"

Jo: First of all were not friends. Second of all we are people who simply came together for the sake of our game.

Bridgette: Ok... simple yet effective answer I like it!

Jo: Yeah whatever next!

Trent: Alright... was there any point where you thought Eva would backstab you and not Heather?

Jo: I'd be lying if I said no, many times yes. I never truly trusted her 100%.

Trent: What a team mate you are

Jo: Since when did you care about teamwork seeing your Action season didn't represent that all to well...

Trent: We're going to go there huh? If your still worried about something that was 10 years ago and having that reflect on me now? Your the one that's sad

Jo: I mean you have changed... you finally got an backbone! Good for you

Trent: Nah, I'm the same old Trent... just if you get on my bad side this time I actually do something about it.

Bridgette: Uhh... and here I am thinking we would finally be a normal show... anyways! Jo... what do you think was your biggest mistake other than

Jo: Probably letting Courtney last so long. She knows what she is doing and got Floppy boi to vote me out. I gotta give her props she's a pro at this game just always getting lucked out... if she has another chance she's going to win and I'll bet on that

Bridgette: Interesting and not expected...

Jo: What are you expecting me to do hate on the entire cast?

Trent: Yes

Jo: Nice to see your judgement about stuff is way off... just this time it's not an relationship

Trent: Let me see your boy!

Jo: Uhh... I can't explain that...

Trent: Listen don't judge me about girls when you don't have a boy

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