Episode 5
Chris: Last time Justin went home after being pushed off a cliff at the hands of Alejandro. What will this episode hold! Find out now on TOTAL DRAMA THE COMEBACK!
Heather: You've our done yourself honestly.... you re ally have.
Alejandro: Why thank you!
Heather: But you realize your whole team hates you?
Alejandro: Yep! But I've been through worse I mean look at All Stars I was the lone wolf!
Heather: Because you got rid of me...
Alejandro: I had to clean the slate but let's not focus on that now!
*Confessional Heather: He needs me more than ever... I'm going to make him work for my trust!*
*Confessional Alejandro: I don't need Heather! Teammates or no team,ages I still overcome the odds like your little underdog fan favorites! Expect Tyler he can't get anywhere without me.*
*Confessional Brick: Lindsay and LeShawna are in an alliance we all know this... like I said before I will need to make a deal with the devil herself if I want to stay in and win this! God help me...*
Brick: Heather!
Heather: What?
Brick: This is a last resort option but since Lindsay and LeShawna are teaming so I came here thinking asking you for an alliance...
Heather: Sure. But you do realize you just make a deal with the satan herself? But even satan keeps her word.
*Confessional Brick: Shes not even the devil she's satan!*
*Confessional Heather: I was going to make him work for my trust but I need him right now so... yeah he completed the deal with satan meaning me!*
Owen: Noah!
Noah: What possibly do you want this early in the morning?
Owen: I need to know who were going after next!
*Confessional Noah: I know I have a deal with Jo, who said I didn't have a fingers crossed.*
Noah: DJ
Owen: Why him?
Noah: I understand he was your former partner and stuff but gameplay wise it makes sense. Why wait until he gets teammates when he has no teammates right now, we can get him out before he comes a threat
Owen: But dude he was my teammate
Noah: I have a bag of chips on the back?
Owen: Yeah! Yeah! Ok!
*Confessional Owen: Dont team with me! Food will probably get me to vote you out...*
Courtney: Harold
Harold: What I'm trying to do something here!
Courtney: Well I'm sorry but-
Harold: Your sorry? Have you like gone through puberty since the last time I've seen you were a bitchy whore who had to kiss guys to get her opponents out.
*Confessional Courtney: Ok that's just wrong! We all know... wait it does look like that. Shit.*
*Confessional Harold: Im was her tail the whole time! And I don't mean ass it was a expression. Smart people would know that.*
Courtney: We have a problem on our hands we need to put aside our different to get out Alejandro!
Harold: What's in it for me?