Total Drama The Comeback Episode 15

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Episode 15

Chris: Welcome back! Last time Jo was eliminated! Who will be eliminated this time? Find out now on TOTAL DRAMA THE COMEBACK!

*Confessional Eva: I don't know what the hell Heather think she is doing but she wants to come back to me that's a no can do! I can beat her, wannabe fan favorite with her little redemption season miss me with that bullcrap and the little floppy boy having a fluke season. Honestly it's actually pathetic how hard they are trying to beat me we know they can't!*

*Confessional Heather: So the final 4 huh? It shouldn't be a surprise considering I've destroyed this game before and I'm doing it again! That simple honestly.*

*Confessional Courtney: So I beat my All Stars placement! Woo! Now the question is can I beat my Action placement...*

*Confessional Tyler: So... 4th place is the worst I can get right now! Not bad... your boy is going down in the history books! WOO!*

Tyler: Another night of sleeping alone... so much fun!

(The camera cuts to the girls cabin)

Courtney: So... Heather and Eva...

Eva: What do you have to say now? Ms. Peacemaker

Courtney: Uhh nothing...

*Confessional Courtney: This is a little off topic but... if I don't win this season than I don't know what to do... I've done everything I can! Maybe I should start playing a little bit more aggressive... if I lose I'm coming back and I'm winning you can count on that... also the tension here is insanely big... what's that saying you can cut the tension here with a knife? Yeah that!*

Eva: So are you going to talk to me or not... or do you not have the balls to do so?

Heather: Technically the only person left with a pair of balls is Tyler... and we all know he isn't going to do anything involving them anytime soon

Eva: I meant like the balls meaning like you have the strength to talk to me?

Heather: Oh... I'm talking to you right now aren't I?

Eva: I suppose... but why would you betray me and Jo to partner up with floppy boy and ms. goody over here?

Heather: Simple Eva... it would've been a 2 on 1 and I simply cant afford that

Eva: Yet Ms. Goodie Girl and Floppy Boy are a team?

Courtney: We're not a team. I'm pretty sure he still dislikes me because I kicked him off an airplane...

Heather: Oh yeah I remember rewatching that! Your lucky he didn't sue

Courtney: I don't think he cares about money honestly, his top priority in life is Lindsay I believe

Eva: What an loser, he lets a girl take over his life *snaps* just like that

Courtney: He was the first boy to ever reject me so... probably since a had a girlfriend at the time... and I wanted to make Duncan jealous which is why he was eliminated... even though it wasn't his fault...

Heather: Sounds like someone is caring a bit to much

Courtney: What do you mean?

Heather: I mean you were just playing the game... now you turned all soft

Eva: Honestly though you turned so weak

Courtney: Whatever you say

Eva: Honestly I can't believe how floppy boy is still in

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