Total Drama The Comeback Episode 19 (Canada's ending)

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Episode 19 (Canada's ending)

Chris: Welcome to the finale episode! We have the final 2 Tyler and Heather! Right here right now!

Bridgette: Me and Trent are here reporting from the Aftermath Studio!

Trent: Am I getting paid for this?

Bridgette: We choose to do this?

Trent: Well I can choose to leave bye!

Bridgette: ... Anyone else want to do it?

Ezekiel: Yo Yo! Me!

Bridgette: Expect you... oh yeah he's human now if you couldn't notice that...

Alejandro: Me than

Bridgette: And expect for you... anyone that is nice and wasn't a sexist person?

Ezekiel: I said I was sorry! Jeez

Bridgette: I suppose... fine! You can do it with me since no one else wants to

Ezekiel: WOO!

Bridgette: Don't get too excited

Ezekiel: Alright


Chris: Him? How is he back?

Bridgette: You did invite all of the original 22 contestants plus the 2 in TDWT... and to be fair he was one of the original 22

Chris: Crap... I forgot about him. Chef did he pass the zombie test thing

(Chef shakes his head yes)

Chris: Anyways let's get to the finale! Welcome Tyler and Heather!

Heather: Was the introduction needed we are like right here

Chris: Heather, I don't really care what you think.

Heather: It's not like I ever cared for you anyways

(Tyler just shrugs at the camera)

Chris: Alright people in the aftermath! Give me a vote who you want to win!

Heather: Is this needed we know who's going to win?

Chris: Yes, this is needed. Only to make you feel bad of course.

(Heather rolls her eyes)

Bridgette: Alright raise your hand if you want Heather to win!

(Only Alejandro raises his hand)

Alejandro: Wow, so disrespectful!

Ezekiel: Now raise your hand if you want Tyler to win!

(Everyone raises there hand including Chef but Alejandro)

Chris: Ouch... even Chef

Heather: Isnt that bias?

Chris: He isn't having a part in the challenge sooooooo no

Heather: Whatever I'm still used to being hated nothing new

Chris: Still fun to see

*Confessional Tyler: Honestly, I love to see that too!*

Ezekiel: Shouldn't we get into the challenge eh?

Chris: Whatever

Chris: So look behind you and that's your challenge!

(They both turn around and see this huge monster of a course)

Tyler: How didn't we notice that before?

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