Total Drama The Comeback Episode 19 (USA's Ending)

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Episode 19 (USA's Ending)

Bridgette: Heather makes it up first but she's not going for the finish line?

Ezekiel: She's going over to Tyler who is grabbing the cliff

Heather: You had a good run Tyler... but it's time to go

(Heather pushes one of Tyler's hands off making him hold on with one hand)

Bridgette: If Heather actually pushes Tyler off look at the height that has to be like 100 ft Atleast...

Tyler: Please please please! I'll let you win!

Heather: Not good enough bye Tyler

(Heather pushes Tyler's last hand off leaving him to fall back all the way down to the start)

Bridgette: Wow...

Ezekiel: I'm speechless

Bridgette: And she's skipping to the finish line like this is some game?

(Heather comes in with everyone expect Alejandro pissed)

Chris: Well Umm... Heather you have won a million dollars!

Heather: Alejandro let's go no one is stealing my case this time!

Alejandro: Yes ma'am!

Chris: ... can someone check on Tyler please?

Chef: I got him, he's alive somehow.

Lindsay: Tyler!

Tyler: I'm good, I'm good...

Lindsay: Tyler you just fell 100ft you are not good

Chris: And as much as I hate to end it on this note this has been TOTAL DRAMA THE COMEBACK! We will bring a brand new season coming soon! But until then let's forget this ever happened Alright?

(The show closes with Heather escaping with the million dollars)

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