Episode 10
Chris: Welcome back! Last time the Cadet Brick was eliminated! Lindsay and Heather remain on the Wannabe Beautys what will happen? Find out this on episode of TOTAL DRAMA THE COMEBACK!
*Confessional Tyler: With Heather reviving her old feud with Lindsay because why? I dunno and with Alejandro feuding with me it's like a 2 v 2 and I'm not going to lie I'm looking forward too it! I'm not sure Lindsay is though... this is like PSTD for her... so I got to be there for her*
Lindsay: Tyler you don't realize the damage she can do to me... and what she has already done to me
Tyler: I do, she threw a boat over my head so...
Lindsay: Once I realized what she was truly evil, she was in my head...
Tyler: Why didn't you tell me?
Lindsay: I didn't need to get you in my problem.
Tyler: When were together my problems become our problems
Lindsay: You didn't say that when you had your problems...
Tyler: Hmm you are right but still! It's gonna be ok after all the Merge is soon anyways!
Lindsay: Yeah! It can't be that bad right!
Tyler: Exactly
Chris (Speaker): All the teams come to the kitchen now!
Heather: What do you want this early in the morning?
Chris: I have an announcement!
Noah: I mean you did say that already...
Chris: SHUSH! Ok as you noticed we are at the half way point! So tha5 means we are at the merge!
Heather: CRAP!
Lindsay: WOO!
Tyler: Are you serious
Noah: Dude it's legitimately just a half way point nothing to be super hyped about
Tyler: Yeah but I've been trying so hard and now it's finally here!
Jo: Congrats Eva you made a merge without needing to return! To bad the Cadet couldn't make it
Eva: I'll have you know I made merge in both of my seasons you honestly can't be talking...
Jo: Like I said I didn't need to return to make my Merge!
Noah: Can you shut up? Jesus we have ear drums
Heather: Lindsay come here
Lindsay: Uhh ok...
Heather (Whispers to Lindsay): This isn't over... I'll get you out still you can trust me on that...
Lindsay: You wanna bet on that!
Heather: Honey this isn't a betting show, you lose or you win and we all know I'm winning so...
Alejandro: Hey Heather back off, we know we can beat them any day, no need to give them no hope it's better when you crush it.
Heather: Isn't that the truth
Tyler: Boom! Mic Drop!
Jo: Are they serious?
Noah: I sadly believe so...
Lindsay: Wasn't that good!
Tyler: Yeah!
Noah: No
Chris: Anyways that is all!