Love from your Llama

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why hello readers, now this is my first shot of writing a phanfiction, so pleeease don't shoot me.

I'll try my best no not make pheels explode. (maybe)

(Phils P.O.V)

"AHHHH" I screamed as someone had just poked at my sides, it was Chris. "Dammit Chris!" I said whilst laughing. 

"Alright me ol' chum." Chris had been my best friend since, well forever. My dad had passed away when I was very young and because my mum worked a lot I got put in play group, to where I managed to discover the rare species which was Chris Kendall.

"So are you actually going to turn up for registration today?" he sighed.

"Do I have a choice now that you found me?"

Chris shook his head and giggled to himself, "nope."

So off we walked, room 24. I hated registration just as much as I hated high school in general, you see. When I first started High School I came out as bi. And no, no one has ever physically beat me up about it, but I knew certain people definately do not appreciate it. 

"Phil, Chris. You're late!" We jumped, it was our form tutor Mr Morris. 

"Sorry sir" we let out sarcastically.

I took a seat next to Chris and placed my earphones into my ears. Ah, Muse, you make my mornings shine. As I said that, I took a quick glimps up to see what Morris was ranting about.

It's funny isn't it? When the song you're listening to links to the situation you're in.

"These two are our new students, stand straight and announce your name and a fact about yourself!"

A boy with chocolate brown eyes jumped whilst managing to let out a small, "hi, I'm Daniel Howell. Fact? I hate being called Daniel, so please call me Dan."

Lyrics flew through my ears, "and I want you now, I want you now, and I'll feel my heart implode"...I'm pretty sure I now knew what Muse ment by that.

The second boy had mysterious green eyes. He was a lot more confident then Dan.

"My name is Pj, and I enjoy tea."

I took a moment to catch my breath and stole a quick look at Chris who was memorised. Chris slowly turned to me and whispered "bagsy the sexy one with the curly hair." I didn't seem to mind that as I rolled my eyes at Chris, I don't know what it was about that boy with the chocolate brown eyes, but he had me hooked and all I knew was he didn't like his full name.

Suddenly, my thoughts were shouted over by a loud voice.

"Well then, Daniel, Pj. Take a seat next to Lester and Kendall."

I heard Dan whisper to Pj innocently as he leaned in towards his ear "who?"

Chris and I both raised our hands and gestered them to come on over.

Dan gave a half smile. God he was cute.

"Hi, I'm Chris and quite honestly you're going to hate us by the end of the lesson" Chris shouted as they both took a seat.

Pj smiled and let out a small laugh, making Chris go bright red.

"Anyway," I said shyly "where are you two from? And what drove you to London of all places?"

Dan looked up, you could see he was nervous from his eyes, his deep, deep, deep brown eyes. PHIL STOP IT. I shook my head to get the thoughts of Dan's eyes out of my head.

Dan's mouth opened. "I used to live in Wokingham, you know, Berkshire England.." Dan said as he drifted off a little, "an-and I moved here because my da-d, he um," his eyes filling up a little bit. I looked at Christ swiftly and straight back at Dan, "you don't have to say," Dan looked up at me into my eyes. Oh god his eyes were gorgeous. I coughed to make that thought leave my head, once again. "I mean I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, I shouldn't have asked such a personal question anyway. I'm sorry" I said, slightly red cheeked. Dan crooked his head but kept his eyes locked with mine, I nearly whimpered. Why was I so nervous? He's just another boy. A really, really hot boy. 

" He's no longer aloud to see me or my mother." Dan finished. I flashed him a small smile, "that took balls, fair play mate." I said instantly regretting the words chosen. Dan pulled another half smile. "Thanks." He looked slightly flustered. 

Chris then looked at Pj, "So Peej, what about you? What's your story?"

Pj blinked twice at Chris, "Peej? I've never been called that before.." Chris nodded and then let out a half choaked "What did your friends call you before?" Pj looked down and took a deep breath.

" I um- didn't have any friends at my last school..." All three of us looked at him before Dan spoke, "how come?"

Pj, took another deep breath, "I came out of the closet and lets just say, my school definately didn't appriciate it... I hope you guys don't mind. Oh, I am also from Peteborough, England.  If you still wanted to know" he let out shyly whilst releasing an awkward giggle.

Chris burst out laughing. Which admittedly left everyone confused.

"Peej, don't be scared about being gay around us! You're talking to a gay and a half." Chris giggled whilst pointing at myself. I immediately turned to Dan and turned into a tomato.

Dan's face had a huge grin accross it. He coughed "Chris?" He said fairly loudly. 

"Yes?" Said Chris in the creepiest way possible.

"You um- better make that two gays and a half" pointing again at me.

I choaked on the air I was breathing and went into a coughing fit. Dan staired at me for a moment and then attacked my back with his hand making me catch my breath. "Thank you," I let out calmly "I um- don't know what happened there." I let out with Chris knowing full well what had just happpened.

Hehe, I'm going to leave it here for now! But guys lease rememeber this is my first go at writing this, so please don't hate me! Although if you want to leave me any comments down below to help me continue the story out I'd love to hear them. 

love and giggles

Sophie :3

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