Truth or Dare?

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I know it sounds stupid but the fact I've nearly got 100 reads means so so much to me! you guys are more awesome then apples, and ask anyone who knows me. I LOVE apples :3

Anyway, don't forget to comment, vote and follow :3 I'd love to get to know what people think and get to know my readers :3

(Chris' P.O.V)

What the Hell just happened? One moment he was getting on some sweet piece of ass (he says in a sassy voice) and now what? He just ran away. Pj made the first move after all? UGH. I hope I didn't hurt him. I did like him. A lot. We just clicked straight away.


"So Peej," I started "when did you come out? Mind my asking of course?" 

Pj giggled cutely, oh so cutely. "About when I was fourteen years old?..What about yourself?" He asked in return.

I hesitated a moment. I'd never actually discussed this with anyone. "I-um-never did."

"Wait? So no one actually knows? I'm surprised you were so honest with me."

I laughed extremely loudly "NO NO NO! I am definitely 'out the closet' as the American's say." I said obviously in a fake American accent. 

"Then how have you never came out?" He asked with a confused look on his face.

"I guess, everyone just knew. When I told my parents they said they knew? So I guess I just never came out" I smiled

"Inspirational" he giggled at me.

And honestly after tlaking a while Pj slightly touched my hand as we were walking, and then he interlaced his fingers with my own. God, what did I do wrong?

******************* DAN & PHIL // AT PHIL'S HUMBLE ABODE  *********************

(Dan's P.O.V)

Phil's house was completely and utterly perfect. It was big but not too big that you'd get lost but definately not small. I walked through his house while he brought some stuff from upstairs. Phil's bedroom was on teh basement floor, it was perfect. It was soundproof and had an en suite and oh God I was in a teenagers version of heaven! There was a mini fucking fridge! I was about to faint when all I head from my pocket was a slow beat followed by "In the crowd alone, every second passing" Trxye - Happy Little Pill , my favourite song like EVER. (had to sneek it in somewhere soz ;3) 

Incoming Call: Peej :p

I answered and all I heard was him and Chris shout "WE'RE OUTSIDE MUDDAFUCKA!" I giggled slightly and ran upstairs to answer the door and they weren't there...I peered my head out the door and out of no where Chris and Pj jumped from the side of Phil's house. I stood completely still and chewed on my bottom lip.

"Dan are you alright?" Pj asked realising I wasn't laughing.

I fainted.

I woke up dizzy with a headache. "What happened?"

"Pj and I jumped out at you and you kinda fainted?" Chris whispered his eyes were swollen and red. He'd obviously been crying.

"I-um- I'm terrified of clowns." I whispered loud enough for them to hear.

Pj and Chris suddenly looked behind them where they had placed the masks. "Sorry man! We would never have done that if we'd known!" Chris said, letting a tear fall down his cheek.

I screamed extremely loudly. They both screamed in responce and started shaking "Dan are you alright?! DAN!" Pj shouted.

"Well, I had to get you back didn't I!" I laughed to myself.

Pj and Chris looked at each other and simultaneously pit my with pillows.

Phil started walking down the stairs and laughed with them. "Glad to see you're alright Danny!" I couldn't help but take a massive breath in when I saw Phil's smile. God he was perfect. STOP IT DAN. FUCK.

After I'd reconvered fully from the devils I call my friend's prank, we all decided to play video games, when suddently 10:00pm hit the clock, everything went dark.

"AHHH" Chris screamed. 

Phil lit a few candles around the room, it was really pretty.

"Sorry guys, my electric has been acting up for the past few days, hope you don't mind the candle light." He said sticking his tongue out of the corner of his mouth in concentration of lighting  the last candle he could find.

None of us really minded, I mean we were pretty bored of Call Of Duty anyway! Chris was way too eay to beat. 

(PJ's P.O.V)

I gasped in excitment!

"What?!" Dan shouted, looking around the room.

"There's no clowns," I winked " I was thinking lets play truth or dare!"

"Oh God" Phil whispered.

"Back in the day Phillip, truth or dare was known as enjoyable. It was a grand ol' time" Chris said in an old man voice.

"Oh go on!" I shouted.

"Fine. Who's first?"

After a few rounds of playing truth or dare and a few licked lampshades later it HAD to come to this, Phil was about to annoy Chris, you could tell from his evil little smirk.

"Phil, your turn to ask someone!" Dan giggled.

"Christopher, truth or dare?" Phil gave him an evil look.

"...Truth" Chris hesitated.

"What was your first opinion of Pj when he first came in.

(Chris's P.O.V)

Oh well a massive fuck you to Phil Lester everybody! I am going to kill him. STILL. I've never lied in truth or dare before. Plus from the moment Pj and I shared earlier, I guessed he would have known how I felt.

'HOTTIE" I shouted giving Pj a quick wink, making him turn a shade of pink.

HA! I made Phil look like a right plonker! Now it's MY turn.

"Phil, truth or dare?" I said giving him a slight evil look.

He took a slow breath out knowing no matter what choice he made I would embarrass him. "Truth." He said.

" Would you say you have strong feelings for Mr Daniel James Howell here?" 

Dan turned red. Maybe I pushed it a little.

I'm gonna leave things there my muchachos :3

I hope you enjoyed and I hope you're going to keep reading as I update!

forehead kisses!

Soph :3 x 

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