Highly Attracted

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well hi again :3 

I hope you enjoyed my first part to a new beginning, I'm trying my best to keep you guys gripped.

today's entry may just tickle your pickle..enjoy :3

( Strong Language & Slight smut )

(Dan's P.O.V)

Ok, so far things were going great. I was able to make some new friends and admit to who I really am. Yeah thats, that's pretty great.

"Ok," a voice shouted over my thoughts. "Here's this weeks time table."

"We have different time tables each week?" I excalimed

Phil and Chris giggled to eachother. "No Dan! You have come to our school on a particulary weird week..Mr Morris will explain now"

"To those who don't know," he said, staring at me "This week is hectic. We have an inset day tomorrow for you non-school lovers out there that sounds like Heaven right? Wrong. Because two days after that we have the annual school lock in." 

"The school what?!" Pj shouted towards us.

Chris poked his tongue out at him, "Don't be concerned my new chum, it's actually quite fun!" 

"How?" I asked

Phil giggled, "We spend the whole night in the school with free food and drink and finishing our tutor projects, which by the fact you've been forced next to us you'll be with us."

"Sorry." I whispered.

"Don't be Danny, I like you" Phil said instantly blushing. Then again, so did I, I played cute back.

"Well then Philly, you're lucky to have me then!" I said giving him a quick wink, making him go an even darker shade of red.

(Phil's P.O.V)

He's so adorable, I just can't. And that wink, oh wow.

"Hey!" I shouted a little to loud

"Hiya!" Dan shouted sarcastically back at me, I giggled sticking my tongue out the corner out of my mouth.

"My mum is working the night shift tonight and seeming we've got an inset tomorrow, you could all stay?" I smiled to make that seem a little less creepy, I had only known these two boys for a day.

"I'm up for it" Chris nodded. 

"Alright I'll do it, but we're watching the doctor who marathon tonight!" Pj demanded with a smile on his face.

Suddenly my phone vibrated.

1 New Message: Chris Kendall :p

He likes Doctor Who. I may have just came in my pants.

I took a deep breath and looked at Christ, biting my tongue I turned to Dan who was yet to answer about staying over.

"Dan?" I asked cutely.

"Of course I will Phil, but I'll need to collect my stuff and- yeah um- stuff." He said lightly

"We all need to get our stuff anyway," said Chris. "I'll take Pj to mine and collect my things then go to his with him and collect his and meet you and Dan at yours? I mean, it saves time" Chris said winking at me. 

"Is that ok with you Danny?" I said sticking my tongue out the corner of my mouth.

"Yes Philly!" He gigglde looking slightly red.

"Where do you live anyway Danny?" I asked staring into his chocolate eyes.

"Um-" He hesitated trying his very best to not look stupid. "Cromwell Road?"

"What?!" I laughed, "What number!?"

"24." He answered looking rather confused.

"Okay, that's mad. One, I live in number 26, secondly, on Cromwell Road!!" I shouted

Dan laughed and let out a little snort, oh God, I even found that sexy.

"Cool, so if I was bored one day I could swing through your window" he said jokingly.

"My sweet prince" I joked along.  He looked down as his cheeks had turned neon.

************************************* END OF SCHOOL***************************************

(Dan's P.O.V)

Oh God, Phil was so amazingly adorable. I couldn't help but check him out as we walked out the school gates. He has the most amazing ass. DAN stop it. I shook my head to get rid of such thoughts about my new friend. Keep cool, keep cool, keep cool.

"So" I heard Phil say softly. "Ready for 100 questions?" he giggled.

"Go on then." I tutted.

"Oh no, It's a game I play with Mr Kendall." he said looking me dead in the eye, making me melt.

His eyes were so clear and pure. They had so much hope in then and I couldn't help but feel like I was drowning in a bright blue ocean. I shook my head again as soon as I realised I was staring at his slightly chapped lips.

"Great," I giggled "I'm going to end up in a Saw death trap aren't I." Phil poked his tongue out the corner of his mouth again as he let out a small laugh. 

"I'll give you a hint now, just tell Chris you like Doctor Who and you're perfectly safe!" 

I almost missed what he said, I couldn't help but just stare at his beautiful face, his perfect black hair and blue sparkling eyes. I looked down in shame as I realise I had a boner, I took a quick glance up seeing Phil's blushing face. He'd noticed.

(Phil's P.O.V)

Shit. Shit. Shit. Dan had a boner. Was it- Was it over me? I shook my head and looked down at the floor. Don't be stupid Phil, it's obviously a morning glory at...4 O'Clock in the afternoon...Could he really find me attractive? I blushed at my own thoughts and then realised Dan was looking at me.

"Phil-" He stared at me for a small moment before looking down again. "I'm so sorry. God I'm so embarrassed. I'm sorry" He slurred the ending. I took a quick glance at his eyes, he was about to cry.

"Dan it's alright, I promise." I lied, it wasn't alright, I found this boy so so attractive and now all that was going through my head was "does he likes me?" Oh God. Tell me you like me, then this situation really will be ok.

"Thanks Phil" Dan said slipping me a half smile. 

"Dan-" I started not knowing how I was going to ask this.

"Yes Phil-"

"Do you find me attractive?"

I'm gonna leave it here my sweeties! I hope I kept you interested! 

I wonder what Dan will say, I wonder what's going to happen between Chris and Peej.


cuddles and kisses

Sophie :3 x

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