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sorry for not uploaded in like 2 weeks.

I love you and *checks fridge* have these chocolates!


(Dan's P.O.V)

Oh my God. This is happening. Phil, Phil Lester is mine. Wow. 

"Dan..?" Phil questioned. Oops, I must have dazed out.

"Sorry, I was deep in thought' I replied smiling.

"Dan, Thank you for moving to my school." Phil said scrunching his nose

Oh trust me Phil. It was my pleasure. I kissed him, hard. I couldn't help myself, I ran my hands through his hair and tugged ever so slightly, earning a small groan. Oh God.

(Chris' P.O.V)

"Peej, what do you think is taking Dan and Phil so long?" I asked looking at the clock.

My thoughts were cut short when I felt something on my hand. It was Pj's. I took a moment then turned my hand over and interlaced my fingers with his. It felt, right.

"Chris I think I know what's taking them so long.." Peej suddenly said.

"Oh what?" I replied flashing a small smile.

(Pj's P.O.V)

I Lent in slowly and kissed him passionately. Oh God. I've been dying to do this for so long Chris. I hope you know I love you. So much, maybe too much, but I just can't help it. You're truly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Ever felt.

I finally pulled back from the kiss to take a breath. "That." I giggled.

"..What?" Chris replied looking completely confused.

"Da...Phan, they're probably doing that" I laughed loudly, as did Chris.

"Phan? As in Dan and Phil combined, Oh God, I hope that catches on!" Chris said inbetween giggles.

"Chris?" I started, he looked at me, mouth slightly open.

"Do you mind me having eczema?" I looked down, ashamed.

He tutted, "Pj. You're beautiful. I thought that when I first saw you, I thought it when I kissed you before and I think it now, red skin or not, I think you're a vision of perfection." I had tears in my eyes, he thinks that, about me, ME! Chris..Oh  God.

"Barf." I jumped, It was Dan.

"Oh fuck off Dan." I laughed turning red.

"Oh c'mon Danny, it's cute!" Phil smiled.

I simply looked at Chris and jumped on him, kissing him passionately. 

"Okay guys, calm yourselves! I'm happy for you, but I didn't sign up for free porn." Dan laughed.

Phil just seemed to just look at him lovingly. Oh c'mon Dan. Tell him you love him. Please.

(Phil's P.O.V)

Dan and I decided against telling Peej and Chris, just for now anyway, just because we don't want them thinking we were in the toilet...doing...stuff.

I kinda wish we were. Oh God, I know I shouldn't think like that, we've literally just started dating, but Oh God, just looking at him makes me hard. PHIL STOP.

Just in that moment, the lights came back on. 

"Waaayheeey!" Shouted Chris.

"Awesome, anyone up for watching a film?" I asked getting up ready to blow out all the candles.

"Oooh yeah! What's on offer?" Dan asked. Oh God, here we go, he's now going to see the nerd I truly am, I turned to the massive wardope in my room and revealed exactly 3,612 movies, including blue ray.

Dan's mouth simply opened. Please don't break up with me already. As I looked to the floor I heard the most beautiful sentence ever..

"I think I just had a nerdgasm."  

So, yeah I'm REALLY sorry about the absence! But I am back I was just very busy, then ill and then busy again! I hope you understand!

ANYWAY! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know it wasn't anything special, but I don't know whether this is the right time to put in a bit of smut? Let me know in the comments what you think?

Love you guys!

Please vote and I'll return my love in cookies for you!

Soph :3 x

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