Oh God

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sorry it's been a while but I've had some serious writers block and I needed some inspiration. So I read A LOT of Phanfiction and I've got the whole story written down in my head :3

Hope I keep you gripped :3


(Dan's P.O.V)

Shit, shit shit.What do I say to that?! Of course I find you attrative Phil, kiss me and hug me and never leave my side. He'd think I was crazy, ughhhhh.

"Yeah, I mean c'mon you're beautiful"

Did I just completely go against what my brain just told me to say? Wow I need help.

"Wow, no one- no one's ever called me beautiful before." Phil said turning bright red.

Dan you haven't listened to yourself so far. Fuck, just go for it.

"Phil-""Yes Danny?"

"Kiss me."

Before I knew it Phil had pushed me against a wall in the ally we were walking through. He pressed his soft lips against my own. I licked his bottom lips to gain entry, when all of a sudden Phil pushed himself away.

(Phil's P.O.V)

"I'm so sorry Dan." I whispered.

"What's wrong Philly?" Dan said looking deep into my eyes.

"This is going way too quickly. I mean don't get me wrong I do like you, an awful lot, but I can't I mean we've only known eachother a day." I said feeling my eyes slightly welling up.

"Phil, I'm so sorry I pushed you. I didn't mean to. I just liked you an awful lot and I'm just sorry."

"Danny, I like you too. But I need to think."

"Do you want me to stay home tonight? I don't mind." He said, looking down at the floor.

"No. I need you." I whispered.

Dan let out a half smile and kissed me softly on the forehead before hugging me.

************************* PJ & Chris ********************************

(PJ's P.O.v)

I pulled Chris in closer to me, his half naked body sweating against mine was making me moan from just the long kisses.

"PJ are you sure you're alright with th-"

I interupted him by presssing my lips hard against his neck, nibbling at the sweet spot I just found.

Why am I doing this? I've only just met this boy and I'm half naked pressed against him. Wow.

"Oh Peej" Chris let out as I left a bruise sitting comfy on his neck.

"I can't believe this is happening" I said during kisses on his lips.

"Should we stop and make our way to Dan's?" he said."Or we could keep making out." I said slowly followed by Chris picking me up and wrapping my legs around his waist.

So there I was kissing this amazing, hot, perfect boy when I realised something. What if history repeats itself.

"Chris we need to go um- we're gonna be late to Dan's." I jumped down and walked out his room.

I'm going to leave it there guys :3

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry it's kinda short, but I promise I will make it longer next time

nose kisses

Sophie :3

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