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holy shit. you guys are literally awesome! 200 reads mahn :3 

I owe you so I'll be making this chapter a bit of fluffing fluff :3

^that was awful. soz. ah well :3

*mario voice* here we goooo

(Phil's P.O.V)

I'm not going to deny that Chris' question was a bit out of order, but I couldn't exactly lie and say I didn't I mean, that kiss we shared, I-I think I've fallen for him. I seriously don't want to. I'm not ready to do this. But, I'm not going to let Dan go. I want him as my own. Ugh. I'm a mess. See Phil, this is why you haven't ever had a proper boyfriend. 

I suddenly realise I had been quiet for way too long. Until suddenly. I looked into Chris' eyes, there was something different. It was Dan, ever since I looked into his eyes I see them everywhere. I need him. I need this. I can do this.

"Yes. I do." I answered.

Dan turned a shade of pink and refused to look at me. Safe to say I messed that up. Great. Thanks Chris.

"Well, that was immensely dramatic." Whispered Pj, making me turn red. I couldn't help it. I felt a tear run down my cheek, I was crying. Shit. I'm such a wuss. I'm so sorry Dan. I need to fix this but how? I can't say sorry for what I feel? But then again I don't even know how I feel? I mean I like him- a lot, okay, an awful lot, but even I feel like it can't be love...can it? I mean yes. I saw him and suddenly everything else in this world stood still. I kiss him and nothing else meant anything to me, he was perfection. What am I doing? I love him. I love Dan. I've known this boy a day and I love him. Oh my God, how? Oh yeah, his; personality, eyes, smile, dimples, hair...oh everything about him! I'm only human, I feel like everyone else. And I know now why my stomach goes into knots when I look at this most beautiful boy. Dan I fucking love you.

(Dan's P.O.V)

He said it. He said he has feelings for me. Oh shit, I can't believe this? Can this really be real? I mean I wasn't dreaming? He liked me. Oh God, what do I do? This is so unbelievable! I mean fuck. Oh God, I can't even look at him. I'm like 50 shades of red. Screw Grey. What am I going to do? I can't exactly look at him when I look like this! C'mon Dan pull yourself together. Breath. You can do this. Tell him you love hi-. Wait what? I love him? Did I just seriously say that? Or think it whatever. Of course I do. Suddenly I found my head singing 1000 love songs. From A Thousand Years by Christina Perri to Jason Mraz I Won't Give Up. How am I going to tell him that? I now he has feelings, but they can't be love...Can they?

(Chris' P.O.V)

Alright. This is my fault time to end this infinite silence.

"So Dan, Peej. I hope you're ready for 100 questions!" I said enthusiastically. 

"Oh God.." Replied Pj.

"How does this game work?" Dan murmured, Phil wouldn't look up. I knew he was crying. I'm a terrible friend. I needed to help.

"Basically, we get a piece of paper and write questions for eachother and put them in the bowl that'll be in front of them. They can be really personal to really dirty!" I said, giving a small wink to Pj, who seemed to blush.

"Phil mate, could you come get the bowls with me?" I asked, Phil simply nodded, we climbed the stairs one by one and got to the kitchen.

"Phil, I'm so so so so sorry. I didn't mean for things to get awkward. I love you and I hate seeing you sad. God I'm sorry!" I whispered loud enough for him to hear. I thought he was going to slap me, when I realized. He wanted a hug. Fuck I'm sorry Phil.

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