Let the Moment Take Over Sweetheart

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So, guys I'm thinking I should probably start bringing this story to an end, I've enjoyed writing it soooo much! And it probably won't be my last story and this WON'T be the last chapter, but soon it will be. So, if you want something to happen, I'd ask me to put it in now, okay here we go.

*WARNING!! SMUT AND FLUFF not in that order ;))


(Dan's P.O.V)

So, the thing everyone had been so excited about has officially ruined everything. I mean Phil and I were so happy, we were together hand in hand and I went and ruined it by my own thoughts. Fuck. 
I could hear someone calling my name, I had hidden myself in the maintenance room in hope no one would find me there. 

*knock knock*

"Dan?-" Phil had found me, shit. "Are you in here?"

"No." I answered.

" I'm so sorry." he said, I'm such an idiot, I broke my own heart.

"Don't be sorry Phil, I broke my own heart. I said I love you when I knew you didn't feel the same way. You don't have to even look at me again Phil, I'm such an idiot. I fell in love with you the first time we ever talked, and I'm sorry but I can't change that. So, if you don't feel the same, please just walk away and never talk to me again, because...because I just can't cope with you not being mine."

"How annoyed would you be if I asked you to repeat that because I had my headphones in?" Phil laughed, which I admit made me smile slightly.

(Phil's P.O.V)

I slowly turned the door handle not knowing what to say, I love you too Dan, I want you to be mine forever? I stopped in thought when I looked down at Dan sitting on the floor with tears dripping from his cheeks to the floor. I knew what I wanted. I knew how I felt.

"Dan?" I asked.

"Phil...I told you not to come in if you weren't going to say you felt the same way." Dan woulnd't even look up at me, this is heart breaking.

"Daniel James Howell, I don't feel the same way back. I don't just love you, I'm in love with you.. Everything about you. You sir, are everything I want for my future. So don't you dare think you loving me is going to change anything, Dan I know it's only been two days, but you already know everything about me. So, know this as well. I want you forever, and that means being in love with you forever."

Dan simply looked up at me with his dark chocolate orbs and stood up. There was something weird about this moment. I don't know why, but I closed the door behind me and locked it. I slowly turned and saw Dan's chest raise and fall at extreme pace. I knew he wanted this too.

I pushed him against the wall and locked his wrist in my cuffs of hands. Pressing hard against him we started making out. I felt his tongue lick my lower lip begging for entrance, but no. I'm not giving in easily. I wanted to tease him and that is what I shall do. I let go of his hands and placed them on his bum dripping tightly, I could feel Dan's knees growing weak, so I then let go of him and pushed him to the floor, I lifted my leg over him and soon I was straddling him. I could feel him getting hard beneath me, I knew he wanted things to start but I'm going to be mean.

"Someone's getting a little into this aren't they?" I asked biting my lip.

"Ph-ph-phi-Phil please." Dan let out with a stutter. Oh I loved the sound of him begging for me.

"Oh I'm enjoying you begging me, you should try that again." I said releasing the bite off my bottom lip.

"Phil PLEASE" Dan shouted, I then realized how gagging I was for him also. Lets do this.

I lent down and started nibbling on the sweet spot on his neck which gained me a very loud moan off  Dan, I suddenly remembered we were in school. I placed my one hand over his mouth and used the index finger on my free hand to symbolize him to be quiet, "shh sexy, don't want anyone to know what we're up to, do we?" I said giving Dan a quick wink.

I then used both my hands to pull off Dan's jumper and t-shirt. He was so tanned and sexy. His abs were prominent and I felt myself grow extremely hard. "Damn."

"What? You like what you see?" Dan whispered to me.

I lent down and started leaving kissing down his neck and chest, suddenly I got to his hips, after leaving the last bruise, I slowly started undoing his belt. 

(Dan's P.O.V)

As Phil was undoing my belt, I decided, he put me through torture, he's going to go through some too. I pushed him up and stood dup in what must have been in under a second. I pushed him against the door and pulled down my own jeans, I then pressed very hard against Phil and started making out with him once again, I could feel him throbbing on me. Yes he wanted it just as me. I then grabbed his hair on the top of his head.

" Time for you to show me how it's done lion." I pushed his head down. He looked up at me and gave me a half smile. He slowly started to pull down my boxers and revealed my dick. He slowly started rubbing me slow and looked up at me, I winked at him and he started pumping faster and faster. This was truly one of the best feelings I've had in a while. "Oh Phil" I let slip out. "You can do better than this." I challenged him. He accepted. Phil quickly put his tongue on the top on my dick licked it and God it was amazing, he was such a tease though. I needed to do this myself then, I waited a minute until he was only sucking the tip, then I attacked, I pushed his head down and moaned, loudly.

"Do you like that baby?" Phil looked up at me looking so sexy. 

"Don't you dare stop." I pushed him back onto my dick, Phil started sucking and I couldn't hold in my moans and suddenly he did something amazing, he took as much as he could in and deep throated me, shit. "Phil I'm close." Phil looked up at me and kept deep throating and rubbing what was left of me when suddenly, I came.

"Phil..fuck, you really are good." I let out.

(Phil's P.O.V)

After I swallowed what Dan had left me, I stood up. "Thanks for that Dan." I said sarcastically. 

"Hey I didn't ask you for this!" He giggled.

"No, I know but you were begging for it baby, I could see it in your eyes." I winked.

Dan didn't say anything, just smile and put his t-shirt back on.."SHIT! Phil, how many lovebites did you give me?!?" He whispered loudly.

"A fair few.." I giggled. "C'mon we better go, before people get suspicious." I smiled.

"But what about you? I didn't give you anything?" Dan questioned, looking slightly dissapointed.

"You'll just have to prove how good you are next time baby." I said while unlocking the door. "Oh Dan, by the way..." 

"Yes lion?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."


there we are guys! I'm sorry if the smut was a bit shit, I've never really written it before? So if you could tell me what I could improve? Thanks for reading and voting guys!


Have a great day,

Soph :3 xx

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