Please Don't Go.

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yes yes yes, I know I've been aright douche when it comes to uploading! i'm sorry I've started college again and I've had A LOT of work to do! I'm hopefully going to be updating this story either on Mondays or Wednesdays..I think..




(Dan's P.O.V)

I'VE NEVER BEEN SO FREAKING HAPPY! Phil and I have been so happy since we've admitted our feelings together and as gay as it sounds we've decided to tell everyone about us once two weeks is up, only because we need to know ourselves this isn't just lust, but you know...Love. I mean I know I love him, I hate myself for it because we've only been together for two days for fuck sake. Oh well. I guess you just know.

"BOO!" I shouted as I saw Chris with his head on his locker. 

"AHHH!" He shouted, "Dan! That's not funny! I'm shattered!"

"Sorry mate" I frowned.

"Well, you should be, looking forward to tonight?" He asked

"Yeah, I mean I'm more looking forward to seeing what yours and Phil's project actaully is, seeming you two kept it a secret the whole time!" I laughed.

"You'll soon find out Danny!" Chris giggled.

Truth is, I don't like it when Chris calls me Danny, it's Phil's name for me and no one elses. Speaking of Phil, I better ring him and find out if he's actually going to show up for reg, I know we'll all kill him if he doesn't. I have no idea why he hates reg so much? I mean surely he didn't like not seeing me..Does he? Stop Dan, just stop thinking before you go on a downwards spiral.

(Phil's P.O.V)

I'm so excited to surprise Dan that I'm here (1) early and (2) in reg! I know he hates it when I mitch this class, but ugggggggggggh I hate seeing my teacher who blatantly hates everyone and I don't like hiding the fact Dan and I are actually together.

"Oh my God!" Dan shouted, ending with me smiling very widely! "Phil you're early and in reg! Your mum would be proud!" I laughed.

"ALRIGHT!" Shouted Mr Morris, Christ sake, I come early to spend time with Chris, Dan and Peej and he still stops us from"'Guys, where's Peej?" I questioned.

"His mother is dropping him off, so he'll be here in about five minutes I reckon." Chris smiled.

I have to be honest, I was jealous of how Chris and Peej came out as being together straight away and Dan wanted to hide it. I just wanted to tell Dan I'm in love with him and then announce it to the world, but no. No, because Dan was embarrassed? Joking about actually want me? Or just scared. I don't know either way, I could feel myself staring at him, his chocolate hair, deep brown eyes and oh just about everything. 

"Sorry I'm late, sir." said an out of breathe PJ.

"Why are you out of breathe my love?" Chris asked with a look of worry.

" Mum's car broke down about half way of the journey, so I already woke up late and then when I get a lift I still ended up late! Fuck sake!" Pj laughed, although still slightly out of breathe.

"OKAY," I shouted "it's time you finally found out about our project!" 

"FINALLY" Dan said very sarcastically.

"We are making an app for your phone where you can take a photo of yourself or someone you know...or not...It will tell you their emotion and the last thing they thought about." (Yes I know this is probably not plausible but it's a phanfiction shh.)

"That's really freakin' cool!" Dan said smiling, I'm so happy he's nerdy.

(Dan's P.O.V)

I was so so excited for this to all start, thank God the whole night is set for this! To be fair Chris and Phil had done pretty much everything, so Peej and I just took the "pit crew" job which involved us running back and fore to get food and drink for everyone and every now and again just hold things in place and yeah, that's about it, but I've got to be honest, when Phil's concentrating, he looks so so sexy. No Dan no sexy thoughts or you'll get hard. Nope, stop stop stop.

"Hey Dan, would you mind-" Phil started

"Food or Drink?" I interupted with a slight giggle.

"Or being a test subject to see if this is working?"

I blushed, "yeah sure, sorry." 

"Sit on this chair good sir!" Chris said attempting to sound like a circus leader.

I sat down and heard an awful lot beeping, I seriously hope this works only because everyone has worked so goddamn hard on this whole thing. Only it just occured to me, I wondered what would come up if this all does work because all I know is even though I've been thinking of this I'm scared it'll come up with I wish Phil understood that I was in love with him.

"you can move now Danny!" Phil winked. Cheeky shit.

"Did it work?" I asked, a little over eagerly. 

"Your mood has come through but not the thought, damn may need a few more tweeks. Dan could you go get me a can of coke or something please?" Phil asked sweetly 

"Fine!" I laughed.

(Phil's P.O.V)

"Um, guys.."

"Yes Phil?" Chris asked.

"I lied." The boys looked really confused.

"Dan's mood: In Love. Dan's Thought: I was in love with him"

I looked up to see Dan holding four cans of Coke. "I've got to go!" Dan shouted.

"Dan!! Please don't go!"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter guys!

I'm thinking of maybe some smut next chapter, please let me know in the comments whether that sounds good or bad?

Thank you for the ammount of reads you've given me and the votes!

I hope you'll continue!

Love you lots and lots like jelly tots

Soph :3<3

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