Bowl of Secrets

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You guys are the fabbest on like all the fabulous people in the world! I hope you're still interest to see what happens to the boys on there adventure, like to be fair this story is still continuing for quite some time :3 Hope you don't mind :3


(Phil's P.O.V.)

I now see why Chris had asked to play this game now. He wanted me to tell Dan that I love him. Should I do it this way though? I don't even know. I mean I could? It would be kinda cute..Wouldn't it? Um. Oh God. I guess I'll do what my heart tells me to do when it comes down to it.

I placed a bowl in front of each of us while Chris made name tags and placed them in front of where I had place them. Basically the aim of the game is we're given a piece of paper and we write 1 to 100 on the page and then place them into the bowls of who we'd want to know the answer and then one by one we'd answer what was asked. 

Safe to say I've written 99 questions and, I don't know what my last one should be. Dan. Please tell me what to put. I looked up and scribbled my last question and ripped each piece of paper up so if only had one question on it and folded them into the bowls. About 10 of my questions were for Pj, 89 for Chris that I know would embarrass him and 1 for Dan. 

(Chris' P.O.V)

"Alrighty then my sweets, are we ready?" I said putting my last question into Phil's bowl. 

"I'm actually really nervous." Pj said holding his tummy. He was too cute for my liking...No he wasn't I loved it.

"Okay, alphabetical order! Dan you first!" Dan scrunched his face in agreement. But at the same time Phil turned an even white shade of white. Is that even possible? He was like a ghost already, he literally looked ill. I hope I didn't hurt him even more? God I'm a shit friend. I'm sorry Phil.

(Dan's P.O.V)

I'm not going to lie, I was extremely nervous. I felt like I was gonna throw up. Oh God. Okay breath, let's be a man. 

"Question 89. What is you favourite feature on your crush's face?" I paused for a moment and let out a small smile and looked quickly at Phil. "His Piercing blue eyes." If Phil admitted he likes me, I'm gonna let out a few secrets of my own. I started giggling when I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Phil was blushing. I hope he knows I mean him. Oh God. Nice one Dan, you didn't think of that did you?

"MY GO!" shouted Chris, I couldn't help but laugh at his childish behaviour. He started blushing as soon as he opened his question. "Question 3. What is something your insecure about?" Chris seemed to really think about that question before speaking up. "My um- accent." Chris replied blushing.

"Why?" Said Pj looking really disappointed.

"I guess, I just felt like an outcast when I came to London with my parents, I sounded like a northener, and I know I shouldn't be ashamed as that is who I am. But-but it makes me feel so alone."

Pj looked like he was about to break down. God do I feel bad about putting that question in Chris' bowl.

"Phil your go" I giggled.

Phil simply smiled and reached into the bottom and picked a neatly folded one. He coughed and read out, "question 72. Do you prefer dating boys or girls?" Phil cracked a small smile and let out a small laugh. "Um-Boys." 


"Pj's go!" Chris said poking his tongue out.

Pj looked so very nervous. I was scared what he was going to pull out of his bowl.

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