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Sitting upon the rock on the edge of the camp, Bramblestar watched as her clan began to stir. She had one thought in mind, and that was to find a cat that could be the new deputy of PineClan.

Sadly, her deputy, Ryewillow has tragically passed in a mudslide a few sunrises ago. Ryewillow had been a close friend of hers for many seasons and Bramblestar mourned for her death. Bramblestar had let her clan go without a deputy and she had to find a replacement quickly. Her heart twisted at the thought of replacing her friend so quickly.

The first warrior out of the den caught her eye. The white-and-ginger tom known as Goosefern had been a warrior for many seasons before Bramblestar had been born. Bramblestar had always admired the old tom for his service to the clan. If the tom was younger, Bramblestar would choose him as her deputy.

The next two cats were siblings Mapleleaf and Pumpkinpatch. Bramblestar had adored the sibling's relationship and she didn't want to ruin their friendship.

Bramblestar watched her warriors come out and begin their daily jobs, Smokefeather, and his apprentice, Stagpaw where getting ready for a dawn patrol. Hawktalon, Cloverfoot, and Silverstone moved to join them and it made a purr rise in Bramblestar's throat.

"My love!"

Blinking, Bramblestar looked down from the rock. Below the rock was a mottled brown tom, who amber eyes were sparkling when looking at her.

"Come down please," he meowed.

Recognizing him as her mate, she got on her paws and shuffled down the rock to greet him.

"Hello, Pikemouse," she greeted him with a loving lick along his muzzle.

The tom let out a purr, his short tail swaying back and forth. Bramblestar's heart soared at the action and she became somewhat embarrassed.

The clan knows that we're mates. She thought, her eyes moving to Citrussong and Mapleleaf who were giggling, their gazes looking over at her and Pikemouse.

They've seen us like this before. Bramblestar fur stood on end when Pikemouse touched noses with her. Bramblestar remembered the first time that Pikemouse had touched her nose.

He was an apprentice and she was a kit. Bramblestar had wandered out of the nursery to see what the camp looked like. A mottled brown apprentice had knocked her over on her way out and when she looked to see who it was, her nose unintentionally touched his. The flashback of that moment made Bramblestar close her eyes and lean into the touch.

"What's the plan for today?" Pikemouse questioned as his warm amber gaze moved from her to their clanmates.

A deputy... She thought silently as she turned to the clan.

"A hunting patrol in order," she meowed. "Lead one, Pikemouse, and take Falcontalon, Puddlemist, and Snowwish. Please be careful."

Pikemouse's small tail swayed a bit in response, though he chuckled as he stepped back and began to call the cats over. Bramblestar watched as he went with the three warriors before she looked at her remaining warriors. She huffed and went to her den to thinking for a while.

Though she stopped when her belly growled. Her gaze went to the fresh-kill pile and she realized how hungry she was. Padding over to the pile she scooped up a mouse, though stopped when she felt like she needed another.

I don't need another mouse. She thought, her eyes staring at the mouse. I'm not greedy. She continued to stare for a moment, but her hungry got the best of her. She scooped up the second mouse before she swiftly padded to the den.

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