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"Creekpaw, with the power of StarClan, I give your warrior name. From now on you'll be called Creekwind," Bramblestar announced as she let her gaze settle on the young cat, "StarClan honors your hunting skills and quick thinking when it came to protecting the nursery."

As the clan cheered the new warrior's name, Bramblestar remembered finding three of her warriors dead after the battle. Goosefern, Pumpkinpatch, and Lustreshine. Smokefeather was heartbroken over his half-brother's death but in his memory, he named his son Goosekit after him.

"Runngingpaw, with the power of StarClan, you'll be known as Runningpath," Bramblestar announced the cats below cheering for the bracken-colored tom.

"Stagpaw, you will be called Stagleap," Bramblestar announced as the clan erupted in cheers once more.

As she looked to Leapordpaw. The young, brown-and-ginger spotted she-cat was looking up at Bramblestar, her amber eyes blazing with pride.

She looks like her mother. Bramblestar thought.

"Leapordpaw, in memory of your mother, you'll be known as Leapordpatch. Pumpkinpatch would proud of you. All four of you."

The four new warriors faces fell, though the pride in their eyes told Bramblestar that they were strong. 

"Tonight, you four will sit vigil until dawn," Bramblestar told them, "but right now, we have another discussion to speak about." 

Bramblestar looked down at Snowwish, who in return nodded and turned to speak to the clan.

"Shimmerstar and Bramblestar have come to a conclusion on with their alliance and hunting permissions."

Bramblestar gave a small sigh, knowing that her clan wasn't going to be too happy. Though Shimmerstar had come back to report that BoulderClan has pushed their boundaries into ValleyClan's territory. ValleyClan was losing territory.

"ValleyClan and PineClan as sharing hunting ground of today," Snowwish told them, the clan's eyes soon blazing with anger, "They have allowed us to go as far as their DrownedFish Stream and Bramblestar has allowed them to hunt as far as Twisted Twin Oak."

Bramblestar expected her clanmates to be angry, which they were, but she was surprised to see them not arguing. They were merely nodding, though they glanced at others, whispering. Bramblestar then coughed to get their attention.

"If any of you have a problem with this arrangement, tell me," Bramblestar meowed, "or if you have a suspicion, tell me or Snowwish."

Bramblestar then rose to her paws as she dismissed the clan from the meeting. The leader then turned and made her way into her den. Her belly was hurting now, as it has in the last few sunrises. Of course, she hadn't talked to Mintbreeze about it yet as Bramblestar only thought it was a belly ache. 

She slipped into her nest as she heard the clan begin to grow lively outside her den. Bramblestar laid on her side. The pain in her belly was growing a bit as she moved to get comfortable. The more she moved, the more her pain grew. Though as she went still to try and get some sleep, the burning pain in her belly soon became too much and she cried out.

In a matter of moment, Mintbreeze was at her side with Pikemouse. Bramblestar, withering in pain and unable to move, she merely looked at her mate with hurt eyes.

"Your kits are coming," Mintbreeze spoke up, Bramblestar's eyes widening in response.

How did Citrussong do this? Bramblestar thought as her body shook in spasm of pain. She could hear faint pawsteps all around her, but she could barely open her eyes as they were shut so tight.

"The first one is coming!" Mintbreeze mewed, Bramblestar barely hearing what she was saying.

"You need to push Bramblestar!"

Despite being in agony, the leader began to push.  All of her senses were now on fire, all of her pain was engulfing her shaking body.

"Good!" Mintbreeze praised her, "The first one is out! Pikemouse, lick her!"

A daughter! Bramblestar's emotions went wild at the mention of her daughter. 

"Keep going, Bramblestar, only two more!" 

Bramblestar felt herself growing tired, though she knew she had to keep pushing herself. As she pushed with all her might, she heard Mintbreeze yelp in surprise.

"What's happening?" 

Bramblestar heard Pikemouse's worried voice and Bramblestar attempted to look at him. The mottled brown tom was hovering over a small, bright mottled she-kit, his amber eyes wide with hurt.  The mottled tom then came over to Bramblestar as Mintbreeze began to mumble under her breath. 

"Pikemouse?" Bramblestar questioned as her mate rubbed his muzzle against her cheek.

Something is wrong. Bramblestar felt herself growing weaker and growing tired. Her eyes were heavy, even when she was pushing. There was tension in the hanging in the air and in her haze,  she could hear Pikemouse growing angry and Mintbreeze announcing a fourth and fifth kit. Bramblestar could heard Mintbreeze running from the leaders den only to return once more. Pikemouse was crouched next to the leader, mummering soft words to her. 

Am I dying? Bramblestar thought, her body shaking in panic. I can't die...

But, Bramblestar's eyes grew heavier and her vision growing black. As she closer her eyes, she could heard Pikemouse calling to her.

I'm sorry, Pikemouse.  

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