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The moment the patrols came back, Bramblestar was sitting outside of her den, wanting to hear what each patrol had experienced. Smokefeather and Pikemouse padded over to her, their expressions clearly showing that they have good news.

"Borders are secure," Smokefeather meowed, his odd gaze watched Bramblestar's, "however, a fox had trespassed. Though I can tell you that the scent is stale and we believe it's no longer on our territory."

Bramblestar gave a nod. He could be a good deputy. She thought, watching how this warrior held himself.

Smokefeather was a heavy set tom, thick fur and large in size. Bramblestar never doubted his loyalty to his clan, even if his odd gaze of a yellow and blue were guarded.

"Thank you, Smokefeather," she dipped her head at him, "I'll have to have other patrols watch out for any other scents, whether its a fox or cat. You are dismissed."

It was strange to hear those words come out. She had never told another cat that they were dismissed.

I've only been a leader for two moons... She thought, her gaze going to her paws. Am I learning how to lead properly?

Smokefeather dipped his head as he stepped away to leave her and Pikemouse alone. She looked at her mate her own amber eyes matching his.

"It's getting colder," Pikemouse told her, "the rabbits are beginning to find burrows and the squirrels are hiding,"

Bramblestar gave a nod. "Understandable. All hunting patrols will have hunt everything they can. Frogs, even the fish in the river near Speckled Tree."

Pikemouse's gaze softened as his ears folded back slightly. Bramblestar blinked. Did I say something wrong?

"Bramblestar," he spoke with a gentle voice, "you need to pick a deputy."

Bramblestar knew he was right. Her gaze moved back to her paws. The feeling of worry began to form in her belly.

"What if I don't pick the right deputy?" She questioned, worry washing over her. "How would I know if I made the right decision?"

Pikemouse moved to touch his nose to her head. The small action calmed her a little. How was she so confident when ordering her clanmates but was worried over picking the right cat as deputy?

"You shouldn't think too much about it," Pikemouse told her, "Once you get on that rock and start telling your clan that you're picking a deputy, you'll know who it is."

Bramblestar was silent, taking in what he had said before he gave a small nod. Her thoughts drifted to the top three cats that are able to become a deputy.

Smokefeather. She knew the tom was head-strong and had mentored two cats, Hawktalon and now Stagpaw. Her gaze went to the smokey tom, who was now sitting with Citrussong, chatting.

Goosefern. She knew that the tom was old. Bramblestar had heard him talking about joining the elder's den. He was still a cat she would count on when she needed support.

Lastly, there was Snowwish. The warrior had only been a warrior for a few moons and had yet to get an apprentice. However, Bramblestar had noticed her hard work.

She stared at her paws before she glanced at Pikemouse. "I know who to pick now."

Pikemouse gives a purr and then gives her a nudge towards the high rock. Bramblestar turns and then climbs the rock. She didn't need to call for the meeting as her clanmates had looked over and had gathered around.

"The time has come to announce the deputy," she called, watching each cat glance around, wondering who was going to be picked.

"May StarClan approve of my choice," she meowed, "Snowwish, I choose you to be PineClan's deputy."

At once, cats began to cheer the she-cat's name as Snowwish stared at Bramblestar with wide eyes. Bramblestar merely purrs as she moves down from the rock as cats were beginning to grab prey. Naming a deputy, a warrior, and even a leader, the clan feasts. Bramblestar purred as Pikemouse padded over with two mice in his jaws. The brown she-cat took one from him and then followed him to her den.



The flame-colored cat padded over to Bramblestar, an unreadable expression on her face. Bramblestar tilted her head when Ryewillow moved passed her. The leader watched her before she followed her. The two she-cats moved along the StarClan moor in silence. Bramblestar looked nervously between Ryewillow and the meadow as she never seen Ryewillow this serious.

"Ryewillow? What's wrong?" She questioned as she looked at her once more.

Nothing. Bramblestar had no idea why she was here, in StarClan of all places. Ryewillow wasn't telling her anything and she felt confused.

If they want to talk to me, then why am I here? It didn't make much sense.

She padded along with Ryewillow in silence, wondering where the StarClan warrior was taking her. Though, Ryewillow stopped and turned to Bramblestar, her strange blue eyes staring into her as she was trying to see into Bramblestar's soul. Bramblestar took the opportunity to look around at the moor, though she found that was the ground she was standing in was crunchy. She looked down. The grass was charred and black.

A fire? She questioned herself. Can fires even happen here?

"Look closely," Ryewillow spoke up.

Bramblestar stared at her before she looked past the grass that she was standing on. Her eyes moved to the moor beyond the charred grass. In the distance, she could see a bright light in the distance. She squinted her eyes as she watched the lights grew brighter and closer.

Is that...? She thought. To her horror, a fast-moving, blazing fire was coming towards them. As she turned to confront Ryewillow, the flame-colored cat was a few fox-lengths away and still padding away.

"Ryewillow!" She called, fear and anger boiling in her.

She's abandoning me? Bramblestar's lips drew back in a snarl, though as she turned back to the fire, her eyes widen when she realized the fire already on her. The heat and the flames scorched her fur, the leader hissing in pain as she turned to escape the flames. She shrieked when the fire had surrounded her, making her attempt at escaping fail.

The fire reared up into a wall where Bramblestar could see the flames creating a horrifying image of cats surrounding her.

"Look closely, Bramblestar."

Hearing that voice, Bramblestar hissed. "Ryewillow!"

"StarClan has something to show you."

Bramblestar's eyes went back to the flames. Five cats were staring at her through the fire and much to her horror, they were moving towards her. Bramblestar's mouth hung open in a silent yowl as she was engulfed in flames.

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