Chapter 7

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Jeremy starts preparing to go to New York, he books his flight to New York to leave as soon as possible. Jeremy, in his room was putting his clothes and some belongings in his bag, with the things he put the picture of him and Hannah on the top, he with tears in his eyes said, "Hannah, I'm coming.", just then Jeremy's mother enters the room and says, "So, New York, huh? I can say you really love that girl", Jeremy says, "Yes mom I do love her and I'll do anything to get to her." His mother says, "Well Jer, you should reconsider going to New York, there's still time." Jeremy while zipping his bag says, "I have made up my mind and I'm not changing it."
His mother says, "Well, then good luck, Jer." and leaves his room.
      Jeremy takes his bag down stairs, and sees his mother sitting on the couch, he says, "Mom, I'm leaving.", his mother stands up and walks to him, she hugs him and says, "Safe travels, son, take care."
Jeremy hugs his mom back and steps back and says, "See you, Mom, after I find Hannah.", Jeremy then says goodbye to his mother and gets in the cab to go to the airport.
     Jeremy finally reaches the airport and after going through security he finally gets to the gate of the plane. He has to wait as his flight was in an hour. He sits down on one of the seats and pulls out his phone. He starts looking at a picture of Hannah, he says to himself, " I really hope you're there, my love." 
He just sits while looking at the picture and an hour passes by, it was like he got lost into the picture of Hannah and didn't even hear the announcement of the plane taking off soon, until his name was called out, the announcer announced, "Jeremy Walker, we request you to please come to Gate number 3B as your flight from Seattle to New York is about to take off.", Jeremy rushes to the gate, and goes to get on the plane.
     Jeremy finally reaches New York, Jeremy walks out of the airport where he sees his friend, Aaron, waiting for him, Aaron sees him and comes to him, and hugs him, he says, "Hey brother! It's been a long time since I saw you!" Jeremy smiles and says, "Yeah Aaron, but now I'm here." Aaron says, "Well not to meet me though, to find your girlfriend." Jeremy says, "I really appreciate you helping me though." Aaron says, "Yeah, yeah" and they both get into Aaron's car to go to Aaron's home.
     Jeremy, all the way was looking out of the window with his head rested on the glass. Until something really shocking caught his eye, he saw Hannah. Jeremy in a loud voice said, "Stop the car!, stop the car!"

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