Chapter 6

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   Jeremy goes to Hannah's house to see her things and take some of them. Jeremy rings the doorbell, Hannah's mother, Charlotte, answers the door. Charlotte says, "Oh hello Jeremy, I'm surprised to see you here." Jeremy says, "Hello Mrs Davis, I just wanted to see and take some things of Hannah, if you don't mind can I?", Charlotte with a long face says, "Yes, you may, Jeremy, come in." Jeremy thanks Charlotte and goes upstairs to Hannah's room. When he enters her room the first thing that catches his eye is a picture on Hannah's study desk. He goes to pick it up, it was a picture of him and Hannah on their one year anniversary. He turns the picture around and he sees "One year anniversary!", and the bottom of the picture in very small handwriting, Jeremy sees, "next time I hope it's in New York" with a smiley face.
Jeremy realizes that their 2 year anniversary is very close and with a surprised face he goes, "That's it! She's in New York!" Jeremy's heart starts pounding that he might've found a clue. Jeremy rushes out of Hannah's room and to downstairs with the picture in his hand. Charlotte sees Jeremy in a rush and asks him, "Why are you in such a rush Jeremy?" Jeremy says, "Mrs Davis I might've found out where Hannah is!", Charlotte had a puzzled look on her face, Charlotte says, "Wait, what do you mean? How?", Jeremy shows the back of the picture to her, and goes, "Look at the bottom", Charlotte reads the bottom and says, "That doesn't make any sense Jeremy", Jeremy says, "Don't you get it our anniversary is coming up and Hannah always wanted to go to New York, I really think she's in New York!", Charlotte says, "Jeremy that is insane, how can she go from Seattle to New York, alone!", Jeremy says, "I don't know but I feel she got to New York and I'm going to go find her." Jeremy then rushes out through the front door and gets in his car and drives off to his home.
Jeremy reaches home and tells his mother about everything, but his mother disagrees about Hannah being in New York. Jeremy says, "Mom I know she's in New York", his mother says, "Sweetheart, I know how much you miss her and how much you want to find her, but I don't think she's in New York, maybe she's hiding somewhere in Seattle.", Jeremy says, "Mom I can go to any length to find her, I have to." Jeremy's mother tells him not to go to New York but Jeremy still says, "Mom, I don't care, I'm going to New York to find her and I'll do whatever it takes."

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