Chapter 20: One Step Closer

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The treehouse was boisterous when I returned. The kids were running around, screaming and fighting over a toy. Mimi was clattering in the room I expected to be the kitchen. Isabelle and her brother were setting up something in the courtyard and were constantly climbing up and down the ladder.

My hands were rubbing each other, the way Kate had done when she had walked away a few minutes ago. I didn't know what to make of her. One time she was nice and warm, the next she kept her distance like I had some rare disease she didn't want to catch. 

Speak of the devil. The princess entered the hallway. She hovered behind the blonde witch with the piercing green eyes, eyes similar to the ones that I had once seen in my dreams, eyes that reminded everyone exactly how powerful the slim woman really was.

"You know I still see you as my sister, right?" Kate asked with a careful voice. She sounded so vulnerable. 

Heather only half smiled in response, not stopping in her quest to reach the end of the hall.
Kate rambled on, desperate to keep the conversation going. "How is your headache? I heard you -"

At this, Heather turned around. Her eyes connected with Kate, then traveled above the princess's shoulder, connecting with mine. They seemed bigger now, less green. It only lasted a minute, then they shifted back to Kate, not in time for it to go unnoticed. The princess had already picked up on her line of sight. The vampire's brown-red eyes turned on me. Her posture tensed. My heart turned heavy in my chest, but I didn't find the strength to look away.

"How peculiar," Heather murmured, breaking whatever was happening between Kate and myself. I was thankful for it. 

"What?" Kate's voice sounded strained, as if the most of her tension had moved to her vocal cords.

"Until a moment ago, this constant ringing was driving me insane, yet now I don't hear anything. It's just ... quiet." Heather sighed at the revelation. 

That was until her green eyes, looking a lot sharper than moments ago, traveled between Kate and myself. Was she investigating us? Kate seemed to sense it too, because she moved out of the way and was now the one walking away. It didn't seem to stop Heather's curiosity, which in turn sparked mine. What did she see that we, non-witches, didn't see?

Only a step in front of Kate, Jason slammed the door from one of the many doors open. The door nearly collided with Kate's face. Unfortunately, her jump to the side came too slow and she knocked right into Jason's muscular body. Where had her head drifted off to, because there was no way someone with her reflexes would walk into someone? 

With an awkward fumbling of hands, Jason held her before she could fall. They stared at each other for a second too long, before Kate pushed herself out of his strong arms. Next to the small vampire, Jason looked very broad. His arms were twice the size of Kate's and he towered so much above her, it was almost intimidating. They formed a strange duo, I realized. Both good-looking, but in a completely different way. 

"You're already back?" Jason asked a bit too loud. He flinched at his own volume before he toned it down again. "That didn't take long. That's new."

Kate ignored the jab at her, and simply answered: "We've never been this close to an answer. We can't give up now." She didn't sound particularly happy with the task.

"You realized that only after you decided to run away again?" He scoffed. "Not that I'm surprised you ran off again of course, that's what you do best, right? Run away."

Kate flinched, taking a deliberate step away from the alpha. Her jaw visibly tensed, which made my heart squeeze.


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